Sunday, May 03, 2015

A lovely Beltane!

Yesterday, my sister Aurora Skye and I enjoyed a very lovely Beltane together! We used a ritual ceremony written just for the two of us which included all of the elements of a usual Beltane rite. Naturally, we performed a symbolic Great Rite rather than an actual one which is fine if you are re-creating that part of the ritual with a significant other and one who is also Wiccan. My husband happens to be agnostic and so I would never ask him to participate in something that he did not truly believe in. Even when we celebrated this sabbat as a group, Rhiannon and her husband opted to use the symbolic and not the actual. It all depends upon your comfortability with it all. Let's face it, if done correctly, it is an extremely emotionally and physically intense element either way.

I surprised my sister with a little goodie bag of Beltane gifts for the season made up of candles, incense and the like before we began the ritual. We have been and will always be there for one another through thick and thin and I simply wanted to show her how very much she means to me ...

At the end of the ceremony, we toasted to the Lord and Lady by drinking a sip from the delicious bottle on the left. It was a clear-colored concord wine imported from Japan and ate tasty jelly cakes.

I chose to wear my new Celtic Mermaid pendant
A simply beautiful pic of Aurora. I really love this one!
All in all, a wonderful day spent with one of the most important people in my life! Hope everyone who celebrated Beltane had as blessed a day as we had!


  1. How lovely and wonderful you and your sister celebrated your Beltane together. I am still smiling at all of these lovely photos. Love your Celtic Mermaid pendant...gorgeous!

    Blessings and Much Love dear Kim

  2. sounds like a wonderful evening

  3. I'm so glad you both had such a good time!

  4. How beautiful! I really enjoyed the pics ;o) Love your Celtic Mermaid pendant ;o) Big Hugs ;o)
