Wednesday, May 06, 2015

What sign are you attracted to?

If you were to venture to guess, what sign would you perhaps consider your “Achilles heel”? You know, your “weakness”? That one man or woman whom you tend to be attracted to like a strong magnet over and over again without benefit of even knowing what astrological Sun sign they are when you first meet them?

Oddly enough, I have noticed that, for me, those persons have always been under the Sun sign of Scorpio. Or, maybe not so strange after all if you are a Pisces such as myself? I swear to you … in my case, all of my biggest mistakes have been my serious relationships with a Scorpio man … each and every time. Even if their astrological birth chart only showed the sign of Scorpio in the planet of Venus (go figure, Venus represents love & sensuality), the result was the very same ~ complete and total attraction! I couldn’t say “exactly” what it is about them other than their unbelievably striking facial features, or perhaps it is merely their intense sexuality? In any case, it appears that I was destined to have them in my life as friends and only friends. No offense to any Scorpio’s out there, but it would seem that I am far too sensitive a Pisces woman for the sometimes very cold and cruel Mr. Scorpio. Again, no offense to any of the Scorpio men out there, I am merely speaking from my own personal experience in regards to this subject matter.

“A mutable sign is an astrological sign that can be adjustable, understanding, analyzer, extrovert. The sign that comes under the mutable section can be associated with the positive qualities as it can act on any sides of Cardinal as well as the Fixed signs.” (
Now, I have been with my hubby, a mutable Sagittarius, for 21 years now and am not nor have I ever truly wished to look elsewhere. Once again, I am only speaking from my own personal long past experience with the sign of Scorpio. As far as Sagittarius men and I are concerned; however, I feel there is something to be said for both being of a mutable sign. Sometimes, it is much easier to spend your life with someone who is, in my opinion anyway, fairly easy-going and is able to see your side of various issues as well as their own. It is also worth noting that, the only Gemini man (also a mutable sign) whom I have ever dated in my life was extremely fair with me in every way ~ not surprising though if you consider the fact that communication and talking things out is supposed to be one of their attributes.

How about you, my friends? Have you any personal views and/or experiences in which you would wish to share?


  1. I'm not really versed in the zodiac, so wouldn't know where to begin. I do know that both the Great Scot and my father are/were Capricorns, whilst I'm a Leo.

    Guess that means I like old goats? ;-)

    1. LOL!! OMG, Jacqueline, that was pretty good ~ you really crack me up!

      Actually, my only brother is a Capricorn and my mother is a Leo like you. ;)

  2. I am an Aries and my wife of 21 years is a Scorpio! It works but our rare arguments measure 6 or more on the Richter Scale! ha ha ha ha

    1. LMAO! Somehow, Mr. Rat, I find that easy to believe given the intensity of the two signs. It is great to hear from you again!! I love your blog and the honest way in which you write your posts.

      Many Blessings to you and Mrs. Rat,


  3. Im a Scorpio and one of the biggest loves of my life is a pisces, i think i still love him in some ways, we are still friends, even when im on a long therm relationship with a Libra and he is married now. Also i have two very good friends who are pisces and one of them is married to a scorpio and they are a lovely marriage and have a lovely family!

  4. Great post, Kim!
    I am a Leo and my hubby is Sagittarius and we have been married for 44 I think its working :)
    My first husband was Capricorn and we lasted 7 years...those are the only examples I have because I married my first husband when I was just 16 years old and he was 19...

    1. Thanks, Jan! I think it is so awesome that you and your hubby have been together for 44 years! There is most certainly something wonderful to be said for that ~ especially these days, eh?

      Much love to you ~

  5. Good Morning dearest Kim...I just wanted you to know that I revamped my 2nd blog this morning and to thank you for being one of my new blog's first followers.
    I love its new look. My other blog Morning Coffee and a Blog...still looks the same :))
    I am trying to find a look on both blogs that I like enough to keep. So far...I think I've accomplished both looks :))

    Lots of Love and Hugs

  6. I have never thought about the sign? It was all about the eyes, and smile for me. Great post Kim ;o)

    1. Good for you, Stacy! I must admit that my vote at first sight goes to eyes as well (well, THAT and GREAT BUNS - LOL) ...


