Sunday, June 28, 2015

This and That ...

Greetings all! Hope all is well with all of you. I don't know what kind of weather you all have had so far, but we have had nothing but rain here for the past couple of weeks or so. That being the case, I haven't been taking my hour-long walks as often as I had been. However, I have been managing to keep my weight down and I have even gone down a size and am now able to get into some of my other outfits.

Also, it has recently come to my attention via my other blog that since I have changed my blog settings on my comment section of my posts that some of you are currently unable to comment. I deeply apologize for this issue and I have changed the settings back to where they were before the "anonymous" commenter situation. I will still continue to moderate the comments I will allow, but hopefully this has corrected that problem. Again, my apologies, my dear friends! And, thank you  dearest Jan, for making me aware of this!  ;)

There hasn't been very much going on around here this past week. Things have been fairly normal if you will. Pretty much just working, eating, sleeping and chilling out with hubby and the cats this weekend.


Thursday, June 25, 2015

TWL's Throwback Thursday

Some pics of Page throughout the years ...

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Something new ...

Brightest Blessings everyone! Just wanted to share a little something with you all. The other day I had ordered a cool Hellraiser Lament Configuration box on Etsy which I thought might actually make a neat little jewelry box. When I received it in the mail a couple of days later, I realized that it was at least twice the size in which it looked on the site page. Oops! LOL!
So, my very resourceful hubby suggested that I perhaps use it to store my mermaid athame in when I am not using it ...
 (Top of the "Lament Configuration" box)

While I was shopping, I also purchased these two awesome items. A fairly cheap (but very beautifully and well made) mahogany box using gold foil plates which is currently adorning  our entertainment center in the living room ... 

And, since I absolutely love the music for this movie by composer Christopher Young, I finally found it on Amazon It is unbelievably good! It is by far one of the most beautiful (and intense) instrumental scores I have ever heard.  Love, love, love it!!!

Hellraiser Soundtrack (1987)
00:00) 01. Hellraiser
01:47) 02. Resurrection
04:17) 03. Hellbound Heart
09:19) 04. The Lament Configuration
12:42) 05. Reunion
15:51) 06. A Quick Death
17:06) 07. Seduction and Pursuit
20:04) 08. In Love's Name
23:01) 09. The Cenobites
27:10) 10. The Rat Slice Quartet
30:28) 11. Re-Resurrection
33:06) 12. Uncle Frank
36:06) 13. Brought on by the Night
38:26) 14. Another Puzzle
I enjoyed it so much that I actually ordered the CD from the second movie of the series, "Hellraiser II: Hellbound" (also by Christopher Young). Really looking forward to listening to it!

Monday, June 22, 2015

Yeah, that's right...

Every blogger knows the kind. And, by "kind" I am speaking about the ignorant people who comment on your blog posts as "anonymous" merely because they wish to rudely leave a message insulting you whilst not actually having the guts to give you their name. Cowards … that’s what I call them. Just like those neighborhood bullies who like to pick on people by throwing stones at them, then after taking their shot, they run away like the little trolls that they are. Now, I am not talking about those anonymous folks who leave kind, thoughtful, even helpful comments on your posts, just the ignorant ones. You know, ignorant as in:

Adjective = lacking in knowledge or training; unlearned; lacking knowledge or information as to a particular subject or fact; uninformed; unaware.
Yep, apparently these people weren’t raised with enough class, or at least the common sense, to know that "if you don’t have anything good to say, it is best not to say anything at all!" In other words, if you have nothing positive to contribute to the post conversation then shut up and do not waste my time any further. My time is valuable and not to be wasted on moronic beings such as this. If you don’t like what you read, you don’t like what you see, then G-O A-W-A-Y … period.

Therefore, I have finally decided to restrict them from commenting on my blog posts using the moderation option on my Blogger settings. End of parasite … end of rude, irritatingly obnoxious people on my blog.

Oh yes, and one more thing to the "anonymous" individual who left the last extremely rude and offensive comment on this blog which I have rejected regarding my handmade wreaths: "I’m so sorry. Did I give you the impression that I actually gave a crap about what YOU thought? Furthermore, the Lord and Lady did not put me on this Earth for the express purpose of gaining the approval of persons like yourself. Have a nice day!"


Sunday, June 21, 2015

Blessed Litha & A Merry Midsummer!

As with much in life, we must learn to take the bitter with the sweet and this year for the first time ever our family will not be celebrating Father's Day with my dad. Since the passing of my beloved dad this past February, we are still trying to pick up the pieces and to tell you the truth it has been a pretty tough one.

So, my friends, I am going to do something I rarely do and that is to re-publish a previous Midsummer/Litha post from a past year. Thank you all, both long-time and new friends, for your continued love and support! Brightest Blessings, everyone!!


Every year around June 20-21, we celebrate Litha/The Summer Solstice. Our small solitary Wiccan group prefers to call it Midsummer, as it is also called, because of its' heavy association with "The Fae."The word Litha is Anglo-Saxon and is derived from "aerra litha" which means "before summer." It is the sabbat which celebrates the warmth and light of the summer Sun for this is the time of the year when the God rides at His peak in the sky. It is also the longest day of the year. It is the time to celebrate the ending of the waxing year (represented by "The Oak King" aspect of the God) and the beginning of the waning year (represented by His "Holly King" aspect).  We, as Wiccans, honor the Goddess in Her Mother aspect as She is heavy with pregnancy from Her mating with the God at Beltane. Faeries are especially aboundant at this time and it is customary to leave offerings to them.

Going back to the New Stone Age (about 8,000 years ago), stone circles such as Stonehenge were used to mark the position of the rising sun at the Midsummer Solstice. The sun would rise over a heel stone and cast a long, phallic shadow into the heart of the circle, symbolically consummating the marriage of Heaven (the sky)and Earth. Other circles mark the equinoxes and cross-quarter festivals we know as Imbolg, Lughnasadh, Beltane and Samhain.

In keeping with the ancient folklore calender, Litha actually began on Beltane (May 1st) and ended on Lughnasadh (August 1st), with the Summer Solstice midway between the two, marking MID-Summer.

Litha customs usually included such communal activities as dancing, singing, storystelling, feasting, village bonfires and torch-lit precessions after dark. It was believed that Litha fires possessed great power and that by simply jumping over a Litha bonfire, you could be blessed with prosperity and protection. It was also a common tradition that betrothed couples joined in hands jump over the embers of the Litha fire three times to ensure a long and happy marriage.

)o(   )o(   )o(   )o(   )o(   )o(  )o(   )o(   )o(

(Photos taken by Lady Caer Morganna)


(Photo credits)

Sunday, June 14, 2015

And so it goes ...

Well my friends, it is like my dad always used to say, "Life has never promised us a bed of roses." How true.

This year thus far, our family has certainly had its' share of life changes to say the very least. First was the passing of my beloved dad, a loss I know which our family will never fully recover from (as always holds true after a devastating loss of a loved one), and, this will be the first year we will not have him around to celebrate Father's Day.

A week ago, my mother-in-law (whom I always refer to as my "second mom") suffered a very bad fall and had to be hospitalized for a couple of days then three more days of rehab. Because my father-in-law is not well in body or mind, he could not be left alone in the house for any length of time. And so hubby, his cousin and her husband, and I had taken turns staying at the house to take care of him. For those who have never "been there," this is not by any means an easy task ~ not for the family member who is subjected to illness or for the rest of the family who can do little except to sit back and watch it all unfold ... hoping for the best while doing their best to take care of them.

The good news is, mom is back home again and will continue to rehab there while my hubby stays with them to help mom with whatever she and my father-in-law may need.

On a more happy note; however, both my sister Robin (aka Aurora Skye) and mom (second mom, that is) had birthdays this past week. Robin's was on Friday and mom's is actually today!


Thursday, June 11, 2015

Did someone say mermaids?

Happy Friday all! Yesterday, I went shopping for a bathroom rug set, but instead came back with these ...

A beautiful mermaid lamp for my bedroom
and a set of matching wall mermaids to hang above the bed.
After all, I can pick up bathroom rugs anytime ~ but these little items I simply could not resist. What can I say? I have two major weaknesses ... cats and mermaids!

"Jolly Sailor Bold" ~ Gemma Ward

TWL's Throwback Thursday

Upon Midsummer’s heady day,
I saw John Barleycorn
Walking proud and tall there
In the sunny, shining morn
His beard was long and golden,
He looked at me and then
He sang, “Blessed Be and Blessed Be
And Blessed Be again!”
-Joe Bethancourt

(L-R) Waterfae (standing), Aurora Skye, me 'n' Rhiannon on Midsummer ~ 2002
)o(  )o(  )o(  )o(  )o(  )o(  )o(  )o(  )o(  )o(  )o(  )o(
... and at our Midsummer Celebration 2011 with Draco, Jim, Aurora Skye, Rhiannon, me, & Page

Have a Great Thursday!!!


Tuesday, June 09, 2015

Wordless Wednesday

Rainbow Eucalyptus Trees ...

Sunday, June 07, 2015


Happy Sunday everyone! My, how the weekends always fly by so quickly. Most especially when you are very busy. But despite that fact, I have been spending a lot of time reading books which I bought weeks (even months) ago, yet never had taken the time to sit down and quietly read.

You all know how my hubby and I are fans of the Discovery Channel series, "The Deadliest Catch," so much so that last September we decided to purchase tickets for our anniversary to see some of the real life captains and crew of the very popular crab fishing boat "The Northwestern" at "The Sands" in Bethlehem ~ we simply couldn't resist the opportunity. We even had our picture taken with them and they signed autographs for the fans after the show.

(L~R): Jake Anderson, Edgar Hansen, me, hubby, and Sig Hansen (2014)
Anyway, lately I have been stuck with my nose in at least three books this week. I just couldn't put them down once I began reading them. It is worth noting that I am  not what you would call an avid reader as I do not normally read fast and if a book does not hold my attention after about the second chapter, it never gets finished ... ever!
So far, this week I have already read Jake Anderson's book, "Relapse" and Sig Hansen's legendary family saga, "North by Northwestern." Both extremely interesting books. The next couple which I plan to enthrall myself in will be ...
"Captain Phil Harris: The Legendary Crab Fisherman, Our Hero, Our Dad" written by Josh & Jake Harris
"Time Bandit: Two Brothers, the Bering Sea, and One of the World's Deadliest Jobs" by Johnathan & Andy Hillstrand
Can't wait to start reading away! Have a Blessed day all!       

Saturday, June 06, 2015


Well, once again it is the WWII Weekend event held at the Mid-Atlantic Air Museum in Reading, PA! Hubby goes every year, but I am sitting this one out this time. I have far too much backlog of work to do and besides that, I am not feeling much like hanging around the crowds and traffic in our area which we always have to deal with during this rather large historical event.

Please do not misunderstand me my friends, I feel it is very important to remember the sacrifices that these many brave and honorable men and women made in order to ensure our freedoms which we still do enjoy today! And, without turning this post into a ridiculous debate of sorts by those out there who are a tad misinformed and feel that this type of thing is an actual "celebration" to commemorate wars in general, I will only say further that the WWII Weekend event (and others of the like) held here annually is not meant to be a celebration in which war is considered to be by definition a "good" thing. BUT, I feel that it is important to educate future generations regarding our past as well as preserve the memory of those who bravely served our Country with honor. No more, no less.

"Those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it."
- Winston Churchill

Me 'n' hubby ~ 2014
I had actually attended last year with my hubby and we even walked (it is only a few blocks away from where we live near the Reading Airport) back over to watch the entire evening show. The show consists of a re-enactment of "President Roosevelt" delivering the stirring "Day of Infamy" declaration of war speech at the evening hangar dance using the authentic radio broadcast heard around the United States after arriving in his motorcade, Big Band music, "Abbott & Costello" show, and features the "Manhattan Dolls." 
"Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy " ~ The Manhattan Dolls

WWII Weekend ~ Mid-Atlantic Air Museum

(Photo credit: Brett Witycyak/Cyddhartha)
(Photo credit: Brett Witycyak/Cyddhartha)
So, whilst I am doing my weekly house cleaning, I will pop my head out of the front door once or twice to check out the many vast and interesting war planes flying ever so closely over the roof of our house. Seriously, they get so close that you could literally SEE the bottom part of the airplanes! LOL!