Sunday, August 09, 2015

An Old Friend and One Beautiful Lady

Quite a few years ago, one of my good friends invited my hubby and I out to a bar to see and hear this really great local rock band called, "Kings & Queens." My friend said, "You gotta hear this band and the lead singer, Donna, reminds me so much of you. She talks about Wicca and she is "into" a lot of the same things as you. You just have to meet her!"
So when we arrived, my friend introduced me to the lead guitarist and singer, a really cool gal named Donna Nye. Donna and I had an instant connection and we immediately began talking to each other about this and that. We kept in contact throughout the years in spite of her very busy schedule. I visited her home from time to time and went to see her perform with her band whenever possible. 
A pic of me 'n' Donna a few years ago showing off our new outfits at one of her shows. The top I was wearing looked much better on her and so I eventually gave it to her to wear  ~ LOL!

Donna, who is an extremely talented musician in her own right,  has written, arranged and recorded well over 100 songs that have been inspired by angelic vibration. In Donna's own words, "When I was writting these songs in that three year period, I wrote, arranged and recorded non stop. I'd be up at 3am with headphones on dancing around in the kitchen while I was doing the dishes listening to what I wrote and recorded that day. I would record for 8 hours straight. I was connected with something higher at that time and still am."

One of my fav pics of Donna. Just beautiful!
(photo credit: Donna Nye)

 With dad Don at the PA Rensaissance Faire ~ 2015
(photo credit: Donna Nye)
"Kings & Queens" performing live ~  with Donna's sister Sandy on bass and backing vocals (left) and dad Don Nye on keyboards.
It comes as no surprise to me that Donna is also a reiki practitioner and, like me, she loves her fur babies! I feel very blessed to be able to count her as one of my friends. She is indeed a special woman and a beautiful individual to know. Thank you, Donna, for your wonderful friendship. 


  1. What a beautiful homage to your friendship; I can see what two gifted and giving women like you would become friends.

  2. That should have been why, not what.

  3. Sounds like you have an awesome friend. It's always nice to meet someone we immediately are drawn to. I believe that it was meant to be, that we knew each other in another life.

  4. So wonderful to connect to those who share the same interests and then to remain friends. Donna is very lovely and so are you, my dear and kind friend~

  5. So beautiful! What a great friendship and sister ;o)

  6. This is a lovely and heartwarming and soul felt tribute to Me (Donna Nye) and our friendship and connection Lady Caer Morganna. Thank you it is beautifully presented & written and touches the depths of my heart and soul. I hope to see you very soon. I'll cherish this in the most beautiful recesses of my memory.
