Tuesday, August 11, 2015

A Countdown to Mabon Giveaway?

Greetings, my friends! Well, it is almost that time of the year again. The  fall/autumn equinox is my absolute favorite time of the season and I was thinking that I might like to have a Wiccan Life Countdown to Mabon Giveaway for those blog members who would perhaps be interested. I was thinking of maybe two small autumn wreaths and/or a small MacIntosh Apple scented candle? I would certainly be open to any ideas or suggestions.

I will only; however, host this giveaway if there is enough of an interest in my doing so. Therefore, anyone who thinks that they might be interested in participating, please let me know by leaving a message in the comment section of this post.

Many Blessings!  


  1. I am always interested in your giveaways, dear Kim...I feel that should you decide to have one, that you have chosen lovely gifts and very fitting gifts~

    Hugs & Blessings

  2. (Comment added for Aurora Skye):

    I'm interested in participating but when I tried to add a comment it wouldn't let me. :(

  3. I would certainly be interested in participating. All choices are wonderful

  4. I am new to your blog, but I am interested in participating. :)

  5. I would be interested as well! I am a new reader as well.
