Saturday, August 15, 2015

The Countdown to Mabon Giveaway!!!

Greetings to everyone! I have decided to go ahead and have the Mabon Giveaway. The drawing will be held on Saturday, September 5th at which time the winners will be announced. As usual, you must be a member of this blog to enter and there will be three giveaway prizes ...

Small MacIntosh Apple scented candle
Small Autumn wreath #1
Small Autumn wreath #2

Many thanks to those who have expressed their interest in this giveaway and you all have already been added to the giveaway drawing via your comments per my previous post. Anyone else who wishes to join this giveaway may do so by leaving me a message in the comment section of this post.



  1. All lovely gifts for the Mabon Giveaway, dear Kim. The bounty of the harvest, the fall equinox. My very favorite season...the harvest. Then on to my second favorite season, winter. The time of darkness and rest...hearth and home.

    Can you tell that my favorite times of the year are already within me :)

    Hugs and Bright Blessings, My Friend~

    1. LOL! Yes, I can tell and I definitely understand your love for them!! I am so glad that you are a part of this blog and a treasured friend, dear Jan!

      Blessings to you always ~

  2. All lovely gifts, and I am very happy to be a part of this. Fall is my favorite time of the year and I am so looking forward to it. Have always been partial to the dark time of the year.

    1. Thank you, Mary! And I am very pleased that you have joined in! I truly love fall and everything that is associated with it. ;)

      Many Blessings to you!

  3. Merry Meet. Stop over form Mohave Rat. I haven't thought much about Mabon. Go head and put my name in the hat. I'll be glad to pass the word about.
    If you have time stop on by for some coffee....Bless it Be

    1. Merry Meet, Dora! So glad you stopped by! I will be sure to add you to the hat. Thank you for your help in spreading the word around! I have been checking out your blog as well ... very nice! ;)

      Brightest Blessings to you,


  4. Autumn has always been my favorite time of year ever since I can remember, I love the colorful change of seasons, the scent of wet, decaying leaves under foot while walking. Living in Florida for the last 20 years has made me get more creative in bringing Fall to my home. Now is the time I get the stirrings to return north to NJ and the places of my youth. I am currently planning a trip north to pick apples in a few weeks.

    The wreaths are both so sweet and one can never have too many candles.

  5. Am I too late?? If not, please enter my name ;o) You are so generous my friend! Hugs ;o)

    1. Hey Stacy! You are not too late ... already added your name, sister!!! Hugs!
