Sunday, September 20, 2015

A Family Affair: Our Mabon Celebration!

Although Mabon is not actually until this coming Wednesday, my sister Aurora Skye and I had decided to get together a little early for our ritual celebration. I re-vamped my solitary Mabon ritual so that it would work for two people and we kept it fairly simple and intimate.
The ceremony included the usual elements ~ casting the circle, calling of the corners, invocations of the Lord and Lady, meditation, blessing of the wine and bread, etc. After which we thanked all of the deities, closed our ritual, opened the circle, and remembered to give back to the Earth.
I made a couple of head wreaths for us to wear during ritual.

Aurora brought along four mini pumpkins which she grows herself in her backyard. We placed two on our altar and set the other two around a couple of the corner candles.
In the old days after my fellow solitary friends and I would gather for sabbat rituals, we would eat, drink, talk and be merry for the remainder of the evening. These days; however, Aurora and I much preferred to spend some sister time together by hanging out and perhaps doing a little shopping. As much as I really love having a house full of friends and family, sometimes it is nice to just simply relax and enjoy the day! 

)O(   )O(   )O(   )O(   )O(   )O(   )O(   )O(   )O(   )O(   )O(  


  1. It all looks so wonderful and sounds like a beautiful way for two lovely sisters to spend time together.
    I love this post, Kim and thank you for sharing a peek of this Sabbat/Mabon with us~

    Blessings Dear Friend


  2. That is so awesome. Love it. Thanks for sharing. Giving me some ideas.

  3. Beautiful ;o) Mabon Blessings ;o)
