Monday, September 21, 2015

This and That ...

Happy Monday to everyone!!! As I had mentioned previously, this is my week vacation and  I have lots of things lined up to do. Started off this morning with oral surgery for my tooth implant. I have an absolutely wonderful doctor who explained the procedure to me step by step. He implanted a root (looks much like a screw)  up into my gum so that my dentist could make an artificial tooth made of porcelain and place it in. I had two stiches put in and I am scheduled to go back to my oral surgeon next week for follow up. After he gives the go-ahead, I can finally get my new tooth from my dentist. And so, it looks like I will be living on soup and other soft foods such a pudding and mashed potatoes for the next couple of days or so.

On Wednesday morning, I must drop off our cat, Kiki, at our vet for a procedure to find out if she has  polyps in her nasal cavities. If so, they will remove them while she is under anesthesia and we get to pay the ridiculously wallet-breaking bill! Oh well, what can you do? She is our little girl and we love her enough to not want to see her suffering unnecessarily.

Our Kiki-girl
Mr. Midnight cuddling up with Tabitha yesterday afternoon

Hubby and I are looking forward to a nice dinner to celebrate our wedding anniversary this week. I picked up a cute little dress while my sister Aurora and I were out shopping last Saturday which I am planning on wearing out ...

(The front)
(The back)
I also bought a cool ceramic two-votive candle holder for Samhain/Halloween at our local Yankee Candle Store. Of course, it is adorned with cats! LOL!   ...
The votive candles I am using are my favorite fall scent, "Autumn Leaves."  
Well, I guess that's all for now, my friends ... Until next time, Brightest Blessings!!! 


  1. Love that dress. It's gorgeous and looks so good on you. Beautiful kitties you have. I miss my little girl, but made a decision when she passed that I wouldn't get another one. On such a limited budget now I couldn't offer the care they need.

  2. What a gorgeous dress, Kim!!! You look lovely in it already.
    Love the kitty votive candle holder and autumn scented candles are perfect.
    Your fur babies are truly adorable, dear friend.

    You and hubby have a great anniversary!!!


  3. I hope that Kiki is okay! Medical procedures always make me nervous.

    Happy Anniversary!

  4. I hope your tooth implant went alright!! Your dress is so pretty and sexy! I love it! I love the cat candle holder! Precious!
