Saturday, January 07, 2017

Drawing Down The Moon

Blessed be thy feet, that have brought thee in these ways.
Blessed be thy knees, that shall kneel at the sacred altar.
Blessed be thy womb, without which we would not be.
Blessed be thy breasts, formed in beauty.
Blessed be thy lips that shall utter the Sacred Names.

We invoke thee and call upon thee, Mighty Mother of us all,
Bringer of all fruitfulness: by seed and root, by bud and stem,
By leaf and flower and fruit, by life and love do we invoke thee
To descend upon the body of this thy servant and Priestess.

Hail Diana! From the Amalthean Horn
Pour forth thy store of love; we lowly bend
Before thee, we adore thee to the end,
With loving sacrifice thy shrine adorn.


Of the Mother darksome and divine
Mine the scourge, and mine the kiss;
The five-point star of love and bliss-
Here I charge you, in this sign.

All ye assembled in my sight,
Bow before my spirit bright
Aphrodite, Arionhod.
Lover of the Horned God,

Mighty Queen of Witchery and night,
Morgan, Etoine, Nisene,
Diana, Bridgid, Melusine,
Am I named of old by men,

Artemis and Cerridwen,
Hell’s dark mistress, Heaven’s queen.
Ye who would ask of me a rune,
Or who would ask of me a boon,

Meet in some secret glade,
Dance in my round in green wood shade,
By the light of the Full Moon.
In a place, wild and lone

Dance about mine altar stone;
Work my holy mystery.
Ye who are feign to sorcery,
I bring ye secrets yet unknown.

No more shall ye know slavery,
Who give true worship unto me.
Ye who tread my round on Sabbat night,
Come ye all naked to the rite,

In token that ye be really free.
I teach ye the mystery of rebirth,
Work ye my mysteries in mirth.

Heart joined to heart and lip to lip,
Five are the points of fellowship,
That bring ye ecstasy on earth,
For I am the circle of rebirth.

I ask no sacrifice, but do bow,
No other Law but love I know,
By naught but love may I be known.
All things living are mine own,

From me they come, to me they go.
I invoke Thee and call upon Thee
Mighty Mother of us all.
Bringer of Fruitfulness by seed and by root.

I invoke Thee by stem and bud.
I invoke Thee by life and love
And call upon thee to descent into the body

Of this Thy Priestess and Servant.

Hear with her ears, speak with her tongue,
Touch with her hands, kiss with her lips,
That thy servants may be fulfilled.



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      Brightest Blessings!

  2. Wow, beautiful! So meaningful!!!
