Friday, January 06, 2017

About judging others ...

Social media. At times, it can be quite the insane circus between people who like to air both their private lives and their opinions for better or worse. I see it all of the time on Facebook and here in blogland as well. 

I am (and always have been) of the opinion that if you do not like what you read, then MOVE ON. If you disagree so strongly with what someone has to say that it irritates you to the point where feel the need to get nasty and/or confrontational, then just leave and get over it. Forget it and, again, move on! We all know what they say about opinions and what exactly is the point of arguing with people? After all, what good can ever truly come of insults and accusations except breeding more negativity and nastiness?

Why am I writing about this subject, you may ask? Well, very recently, a good blogger friend of mine was so badly verbally attacked for his opinions (in this case, by a fanatical Christian) that I feel it is a subject worth talking about. The way I feel about it is that NO ONE is in the position to judge others, most especially people whom they have never met except through social media. Someone who they do not know personally and have no idea about that person's personal life. 

For example, my friend Mohave Rat has a blog named, "Mohave Rats' Two Cents Worth."  Besides the fact that he has always been nothing BUT polite and respectful of me, my religion and my opinions regardless of our individual personal beliefs, I like reading his blog mainly because I rather enjoy his posts about his own opinions about life, etc. He is forthright and honest in his personal opinions as well as a very intelligent man. I have always enjoyed a good conversation backed with facts about history and such so his blog very much appeals to me personally speaking. 

Furthermore, I do not judge others BY the opinions of others. We were born with the freedom to think, act and deduct for ourselves. We may not have the ability to control how others treat us, but we certainly have the ability to control how we react to it.


  1. You like me! you really really like me! This makes the whole first week of this year worth the aggravation. thanks so much!

    1. LOL! You are quite welcome and keep on blogging, my friend! :D

  2. I do believe that this "circus", isn't really new. Facebook or blogs just replaced the local cafe, only this "circus" isn't being known
    just to a company sitting on a table but to thousands of people
    and the real nature of average human is now exposed to the public.

    1. Well said Dark Elf, I have often thought that myself!

  3. Not everyone is in your "tribe". If you don't like what someone says, move on! Good post Kim! Big Hugs!
