Thursday, March 16, 2017

Prayer and Healing Energy request ...

My dear friends, I am writing this post in hopes that you could please send some prayers and healing energy for my little boy Midnight. As you all may know if you have been following my blog, he has been through so much in his little life and now he is very sick.

For the past week, he has been losing a lot of weight even though he has tried to eat we could only get him to eat canned food or cat puree. This morning we took him to our vet and she said she is very worried about his kidneys. She drew some blood and they are now running some tests which we are supposed to hear the results about sometime tomorrow. The vet also said he was of course dehydrated and she gave him a shot for that. She also prescribed a couple of meds in the meantime ... one to help his appetite along and the other for his sick stomach. 

 My heart is breaking and I am also worried sick about him. Any positive healing energy or prayers would so greatly be appreciated. 


  1. My heart is going out to him.

  2. If my prayers and thoughts of healing and light can help in any way you have them Kim. I am so sorry for you and your family~

    Healing Hugs to All~

  3. may Midnight be back on his paws soon )0( BB

  4. If the vet has to wait a day for test results they are not equipped very well. My vet runs the test and has results the same day. If Midnight is old, he should already be on kidney medicine as a precaution. there is a wonderful medicine for cat's kidney problems. It is about 30 dollars a month but it works! Cats with kidney problems can't eat store bought food with lots of protein. It is to hard to process and makes kidney problems worse. Most cat treats are bad for them as well. Canned food like Friskees is bad for them. Dry food formulated for kidney problems will and does work. Most vets don't treat old cats aggressively. They give up on them. You have to make it clear to the vet you want the cat's problems treated! Midnight has probably got a year or two of good life left if you can get the kidneys under control..All the positive energy I can muster up is on it's way to you and Midnight. Remember love is the most powerful magic of all! Dear sister.

  5. Healing prayers are being sent! I am so sorry Kim!!! Big Hugs!
