Friday, May 05, 2017

What's new ...

Greetings everyone! I hope you all had a very Blessed Beltane. Every year, I try to add a little something new and perhaps different to my sabbat rituals and this year I found a wonderful little book called, "Beltane: Rituals, Recipes & Lore for May Day" published by Llewellyn Sabbat Essentials. I actually found this book the same day that Aurora Skye and I went shopping at one of our favorite books stores. I came across a prayer/invocation to Green Man and added it just before our ritual celebration.

As you all know, I have been seeking help through a Spiritual Adviser named Erica whom I have also been getting regular chakra sessions through. She special ordered me a chakra pyramid which she has personally created for her clients to use as a helpful tool in their work with their chakras and meditations. This is what mine looks like ...

The pyramid uses all of the seven chakra colors and opens up on one side. Inside, there is a mirror on the bottom. This mirror is rather unique. The way you use it is you write a positive wish or spell on a piece of paper and lay it face down on the mirror then close the pyramid back up again. Meditate and pray on your wish for as long as you feel the need to.  

I have never used this type of tool before though I am planning to use it for the first time this weekend. Not exactly sure how effective this will be, but I must say that I really love this beautiful piece.

Along with the pyramid, she also sent home a basket filled with rose petals, a bag of sea salt and a pink-colored rose floating candle to use in a relaxing bath.

Have a great weekend all and Blessed Be!


  1. A pyramid made of crystals! I am intrigued to say the least. I have read about "pyramid power" but never go around to experimenting. If the pyramid power indeed exists the crystals should amplify the energies I would think. Please follow up with this, I am very curious. Blessings and Light! The Rat.....

    1. Thank you for stopping by Mr. Rat, good to see you here! And I will indeed follow up on this post.

      Brightest Blessings!

  2. My Dear Kim...this is all so mystical and beautiful!!! I wish you the best with it all!
    I am a believer in pyramid power. Maybe because I love Ancient Egyptian history 💕

    1. Thank you so much Jan! I have always loved ancient Egyptian history as well. It has always felt so, as you have perfectly said, MYSTICAL!

  3. This gal knows many things... :p You should search about orgone pyramids... The Egyptians knew more than they said... :)

  4. Truly beautiful post Kim and truly beautiful pyramid! Just remember Kim, when you heal within your soul, positive things will come your way! I know the healing process can be long, but keep being you and everything will flow! Big Hugs! (Remember, no matter how hard things can sometimes get, there are lessons and blessings in everything!)
