Sunday, July 30, 2017

Back to work ...

Greetings, dear friends! Hope all is well with everyone. As for me, well, it is time to get serious again about my weight loss! As some of you who have been following my blog may already know, I have been going through an extremely difficult time in my personal life the past few months or so which has caused extreme depression. As a result, I had been struggling with my motivation to exercise and push myself to keep my weight down. I have been seeking help regarding this, but I refuse to take medications for this issue because I know, at least from my personal experience, that weight loss and anti-depressants do not mix as they seem to work against the goal of losing and/or keeping my weight off.

I also know that it is very important for me to maintain a reasonable weight in order to keep the pain in my bad knee at bay. With the extra weight off of my knee, I sleep much better at night and I have no need for pain pills (also hindered my weight loss) which I have not taken in the two years since I lost weight. 

In addition to the reduction in knee pain, my weight loss has also helped to avoid the threat of type two diabetes which was a big concern to my family doctor. Needless to say, I am not a fan of taking pills unnecessarily and I avoid having to do so any chance I get. :)

My plan is to begin once again my 45 minute walking regiment as much as possible beginning this week until the end of fall. I also have a couple of weeks vacation scheduled between August and October so I indend to make the most of them (weather permitting)!

Until next time, love and light ~


  1. Kim my friend, you certainly don't look overweight to me, if you'd like to see overweight, that would be me.

    As for depression goes, there have been many a times I've been depressed, and still, I get that way now and then, especially when I fall into the trap of grabbing on to some of the worries that try to enter my mind but, I've been learning to let those worries go, now that I've come to realize those worries are only outside of my mind, not within my True Nature Of Mind, for my True Nature Of Mind has no worries.

    1. Excellent point, Lon! Makes perfect sense to to me and I plan on working on that as well. So happy for you, dear friend!

      Thank you for sharing! :)

  2. My dear and wonderful friend, you are a beautiful woman inside and out. You look terrific and I applaud your hard work to maintain your health, weight loss and be happier in life.
    I understand your reluctance to take medication for depression and pain. Both can be hell if you become dependent on them. I suffer from both of these, too. Like you, I do not use medication for either and this sometimes makes it hard to face each day and night. Pain seems to be always worse in the night hours.
    I send you all of my love and healing thoughts and prayers. You are strong and I have faith in your abilities and the choices that you have made to help you along the way~

    Big Hugs and Lots of Love

    1. Thank you so very much for your kind words, dear Jan!

      Much love!

  3. Kim, you look beautiful! Yes, you have been through a lot! Remember, with being courageous, trusting and loving yourself, you can do anything! I know you can do it Kim!!! Big Hugs and Much Love!!

    1. Wise words as always, my dearest sister! Thank you so very much for always being here.

      Love and Big hugs to you!
