Saturday, July 29, 2017

Frankincense, not just for magick

As a practicing Wiccan/witch, I have learned which essential oils to use in the craft as well as for what purpose in ritual and spell work these oils are to be used. Since my mother had been diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder known as bullous pemphigoid, her doctor had suggested that she try rubbing some pure essential Frankincense oil on her skin to help heal her open wounds.

Frankincense oil, as well as many other essential oils, are used and recommended by a great many physicians and homeopathic practitioners to help treat a number of illnesses. They are also good for muscle issues, anti-aging creams and, in general, relaxation among other things.

There are many different ways in which to use these wonderful oils. Some require a bit of mixing with other ingredients and some may need to be diluted. I have found a few good sites which can give you helpful hints and recipes on how to mix them for their specific purposes.

My mom and I had gone shopping today at our local "Celtic Myth & Moonlight" shop (as recommended by her physician) and she can not wait to begin using her new bottle of Frankincense oil. My mother is a wise woman and much prefers this path of treatment as opposed to the steroids her other doctors were prescribing her.


  1. Another possibility that I have used with success is equal parts Lavender oil, Tea Tree oil and topical Vitamin E oil. It kept the edges of the wound soft and pink while it healed. When I stopped using the concoction at the request of Hubby's physician the edges of the wound got hard, white and stopped healing. Went back to using the concoction and the wound went back to healing.

    I will have to keep in mind frankincense.

    1. Great idea, Judy! I never thought to try that combination before actually. I also read that along with lavender, fennel and myrrh and peppermint oils are good as well.

  2. Well, witchcraft works. It is admitted sometimes by science, whatever "taliban" atheists may say. :)

  3. They call is homeopathic treatments here but it began with witches regardless many years ago anyhow.

    Modern doctors in general do not want to admit it because there is not enough money to be made through natural means for them.

    1. Also, pharmaceutical companies can't patent things that grow in nature. Only the process to retrieve the natural compounds they think are the ones that work leaving behind all the rest of the plant that works with whatever compound they say is the 'active' ingredient.

  4. This is very interesting!! Wishing your mom all the best Kim! Big Hugs!
