Saturday, September 23, 2017

Celebrating The Autumn Equinox: Our Ritual

Good evening, my friends! Just wanted to share  few pics from today's Mabon:Autumn Equinox celebration. As usual, my sister Robin (Aurora Skye), Dark Elf, and I got together for our personal group ritual.

Decorative spice-scented Mabon candle and herbal offering ...

Before ritual pic of the altar

Dark Elf (live from Greece)

My sister, Aurora Skye and me

For those of you who do not know, there is a seven hour time difference between the USA and Greece. We began our ritual at 4PM United States time which meant that it was already 11PM in Greece. We are always happy when Dark Elf can join us and always have a great time while in his company! Thank you, Dark Elf!!!

Brightest Blessings all!!!


  1. A beautiful celebration Kim! Love the pictures! What I want to know is, did you keep me any cookies? LOL! Big Hugs!

    1. Thanks, Stacy! Of course I saved some cookies for you!

      Love and hugs, Kim

  2. How wonderful that the three of you could celebrate together Kim!
    I am a big believer in the "good luck" that the number three brings!
    Wishing you all a Happy Mabon, Autumn Equinox~

    Lots of Hugs and Blessings~

    1. Thank you, dearest Jan! We love to celebrate together and you are right - three is indeed a magickal number.

      Blessings always, Kim
