Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Throwback Thursday: Those nasty stink bugs!

Anyone who has been as in undated with stink bugs over the past couple of years as we have here in Eastern Pennsylvania, can well attest to how horribly annoying these things are (not to mention the fact that they will destroy your garden plants and flowers)! The other week while frequenting Home Depot, I asked one of the sales people there if they knew of anything that killed these nasty things (or at least help keep them under some kind of control)!  
He informed me that the house cleaner "Formula 409" was known to knock them out and, in most cases, kill them! And so, having absolutely nothing to lose, I decided to buy a spray bottle and try it at home in our attic where they were the absolute worst ~ and I do mean WORST!

Alas!! I am here to tell you all that this stuff actually DOES work! But why Formula 409 and not any of the other cleaners? After doing a bit of research, I found that the ingredient which separates this particular brand of cleaner from the others is concentrated chrysanthemum blossom tea! Yes, that's right. Stink bugs totally hate this natural herb.

So, if your home is being taken over by these awful insects, the bugs which my cats refuse to even go near, I suggest you give this idea a good try. It honestly does work great!



  1. Thanks for the 409 tip! I've seen only 2 stink bugs this summer --which, despite tremendous operations between Earth and Sun, seems to linger here in California. They were both IN the house, which necessitated the cup and card method of transporting them to a more rewarding life in the south field. Skunks live out there too, which is why I always keep a working flashlight for nocturnal errands --they're ok, even beautiful unless alarmed. I try to do right by stinky creatures and so far our wards have held --but 409's a new one to me and I appreciate it. Thanks!

    1. You're very quite welcome, Geo. I, too, try not to disturb anything but it seems that the stink bugs here have gotten sooo very aggressive! They go after your head, hair, your entire body and it is beyond annoying actually. My poor mother has been terribly inundated with them this year. I think because our weather has been so erratic perhaps.

  2. This is so interesting Kim! Thank you for sharing this information!! A great tip!! Big Hugs!
