Saturday, September 02, 2017


Many people in paganism are under the illusion that can coexist with other religions, because they themselves are tolerant and talking about "different paths". This "different path" rhetoric may hold for many other religions but not for abrahamic ones for the simple reason that there is a book called "the Bible" ordering the killing of "infidels" - so they call other religious views and atheists - and witches. The Quran just copies the Bible. Therefore we have to be careful and certainly not naive.

Truth is that in England, the Anglican Church made honest steps to the correct directions. It has recognized the Pagans and Druids and is represented in every celebration and festival of the Druids that is the main pagan faith there. Since things were going that good, the worthless politicians had to ruin it of course, so they brought up the muslims to start the bombings and terrorism and shariah zones or no-go zones. I don't care if you call me a racist, religion is no race, it is a choice and an opinion about the spiritual and therefore can be criticized.

Now, they have created a christian - muslim dipole that threatens to crush paganism between these two combatants. I remind you that both religions command the killing of "infidels" and witches. Have no illusions, the muslims will be after us like the christians. It is only a matter of time.

For now the christians are bullying pagans wherever they can. Here is one of many incidents.

Street preachers evangelize outside witchcraft shop.

Don't think that words are empty. Hitler began with antisemitic rhetoric much before the concentration camps...

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