Tuesday, September 05, 2017

Defending oneself ...

When practicing witchcraft, sometimes we need to protect ourselves from those who wish to hurt or harm us for their own personal, messed up reasons. In my case, I am being magically and psychically attacked by a co-worker and her wiccan "sister" who, for reasons known only to them, are trying to get me fired and destroy my life and my livelihood. Very nasty stuff! I always knew that this woman, for reasons unknown to me, has always hated me and she has made this quite clear on numerous occasions. I have always gotten a bad vibe from her every time I see her and I always get a very BAD gut feeling regarding her. 

Recently, my feelings have been confirmed and after doing quite a bit of my own research regarding this co-worker and her "sister", I know now I must do something to protect myself. I do not believe in using any sort of black arts in my practice and I never have, but I do understand that there are certain instances where some kind of serious protection is warranted.

Before I go any further, I would like to explain a few things about protection spells ...

Meanings of the black candle are as follows: 

Banishing negativity, absorbing negativity, transition; the ending of something that is the beginning of something else. Black is the absence of color. In magick, despite what you may have heard, black candles are burned for positive purposes, such as casting out baneful energies or to absorb illness and nasty habits.

Candles have been used in magickal practices for centuries. The flame is viewed as a symbol of light in the darkness. A candle's color is important and dictates its use. Each color sends out special vibrations and attracts special influences. Many believe that black candles are used only for dark rituals, but they are actually used in both black and white ceremonies.

1) Meditiation -
Black candles are often used in meditation rituals to assist in clearing the mind and increasing psychic ability. Focusing on the flame induces a state of trance.
2) Hexes Black ritual candles are used during hexes to increase the power of the spell. This use is often related to swamp magic and Hoodoo.
3)Uncrossing - Uncrossing rituals often require the use of black candles during the ritual. The ability to banish negativity is necessary to this type of spell.
4) Banish Evil - Black candles may be burned to banish evil influences from an area or building. This is sometimes done along with a spell or ritual. 

The following unhexing spell is one which I had written many, many years ago and have decided to utilize it once again. It is rather simple and easy to use. All it takes is a small black votive candle, a small white votive candle, a piece of paper in which to write the purpose or name of person (or persons) attempting to harm you, a cauldron or heat-proof container and a strong will and intent. Light the black candle and repeat the following incantation:

"Hex of disaster
 I demand you gone -
 Back to the place which you belong;
 By all the powers of the goddess Aige,
 Let the curse be broken - disengage!
 As I banish all evil,
 It shall be gone -
 All negative energy shall be withdrawn
 By wand and pentacle and Law of Three,
 This is my will - So mote it be!"

Take the piece of paper and as you light it using the flame from the black ritual candle, say:

"Back to the caster,
 Take your disaster!"

Allow the paper to burn in the cauldron/heatproof container. Then, light the white candle while chanting the above and medicate using visualization techniques. When finished, release the ashes back out into the Earth. Remember to thank the Lord and Lady.


  1. Dear Kim, we've been friends for a very long time even though we've never met in person, I don't know if you recall, but there was a similar situation I had like you're having now, that you helped me with that caused a person that was trying to bring me harm to only backfire on them, which made the end result for that person to be released from my workplace instead of me.

    Therefore, my heart of protection is going out to you my friend, for I believe any BAD KARMA that a person tries doing to you, WILL ONLY BACKFIRE ON THEM! So please stay calm and happy, and ALLOW their own BAD ACTIONS to take hold of them.

    1. Lon, yes I do remember that situation you went through and I am so happy I was able to help you!

      Words can not express how THANKFUL I am for your help and support for me for I KNOW you understand all too well (and you are right).

      Many Blessings to you always, my dear friend!

  2. Kim, I am so sorry!
    Remember, no one can hurt you or control you, unless you let them! Be bold, be polite and be courageous! And, I know it's hard, but always send love and be love!
    Sending you many blessings!
    Big Hugs!

    1. Thank you for your kind and thoughtful words, Stacy ... and I completely agree with you!

      Blessings and hugs!
