Thursday, September 14, 2017

Throwback Thursday ...

Happy 'Throwback Thursday' all!

For this Thursday's post, I decided to share a little something from my "many moons ago" past. When I was in my senior year of High School, I dated a guy whose family was of Greek heritage. His family was awesome and his mom whose name was Maria (aka "Marika") used to be a belly dancing teacher and owned her own business doing belly grams. Oh God she had some gorgeous beaded and silk outfits!

Some pics of us from Wildwood, New Jersey circa 1984

Anyway, I wanted to share this video that so reminds me of that time in my life ... needless to say, much happier times as well ... I hope you enjoy!

Yuliya Lunessia~ Belly Dance to Loreena McKennett's "Marco Polo"


  1. Ah . . . what a delightful time that must have been!

  2. What fun Kim and how gorgeous you are...then and now!!! Some people never get older they just age like fine wine.
    Great video!
    Big, Big Hugs!!!

    1. Oh Jan, you are so very kind (blushing LOL). So glad you enjoyed the video. I love to watch dancing!

  3. Hey Sexy Lady! Great pictures!! Excellent video! Big Hugs!
