Sunday, September 10, 2017

I want my mommy!

Last year, my little girl Kiki was diagnosed by two different vets with AspergillosisThere are two types of Aspergillus infections, but the type that Kiki has is the nasal form, where the infection is localized in the nasal passages and front sinuses. It is believed that this develops from direct nasal contact with the fungus. For example, if a cat is outside and around dust and grass clippings, the fungus may enter via the moist lining of the nose. The most commonly associated symptoms are nasal discharge and noisy breathing during inhaling.

While there is no cure for this disease, we can give her meds to help keep her comfortable. So far, she is still eating fairly well and so long as she does not seem to be getting worse, we will do whatever we can to help her. 

Two weeks ago, she began vomiting twice a day. After numerous visits to our vet who performed a urinalysis and blood tests, they could not find anything wrong with her. Save from giving her a half a Pepsid-AC twice a day (per the vet), three 5mg tablets of Prednisolone, and an eighth of a 10mg pill of Metoclopramide on a daily basis, we can do little else but to wait and see what happens next. Aside from hating the meds, she seems to be doing better for now as she has not been vomiting every day.

She has been my little shadow and clings to me constantly. She lays and sleeps on my lap every chance she gets. 


  1. That's a lot of Prednisolone for such a small body no wonder she is following you around. I hope the vet can get her things under control. Prayers for Kiki and you.

    1. Thanks Judy. To be perfectly honest, the last couple of days I have only given Kiki two Prednisolone instead of three. She is a such a nightmare to give any kind of meds to to begin with and I hate giving her so many.

  2. Poor little Kiki...I do hope that she feels much better soon.
    I am so sorry that you have had so much negativity happening to you Kim. You don't deserve this and neither does Kiki!!!

    Big Hugs and Healing Thoughts to You Both

  3. I am sorry I was not more prompt to publish your comments. Thank you for it, and I believe you are right it can be quite dangerous. I have heard some horror stories. Not of course concerning marihuana, tobacco or alcohol, but despite my post I agree.. Many blessings

    1. Greetings Georgina! Not a problem, no worries. Hope all is well with you. :)

      Blessings always, Kim

  4. Poor little Kiki! I am so sorry Kim! I hope she feels better soon! Big Hugs!

  5. Dear Kim my friend, I wish Kiki well.
