Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Getting ready for Mabon

In preparation of Mabon, I spent the day cleaning the house and writing the ritual that my sister Robin, Dark Elf, and I will be using this week for our celebration. 

Last month, I found a lovely new item I will be adding to the altar to hold our corner candles from Celtic Myth & Moonlight ...

I also did my shopping for our cakes and ale portion of the ritual along with some festive ritual candles also from the same celtic/wiccan shop ...

And, I found a cool Mabon recipe I would like to try ...

I am really looking forward to it. Have a great rest of the week, my friends!


  1. That recipe for mulled cider sound like it will be delicious. Have a lovely celebration.

  2. Have a beautiful celebration! Everything looks beautiful! Those treats look very yummy! Big Hugs!

  3. Seems nice. A pity i won't be actually there. I 'll be participating through Skype, so no treats for me. No, she can't send me any, the commie bastards here will tax 'em... :p

    1. I would if I could. But someday soon you will be able to say you were ACTUALLY here in person.
