Monday, September 18, 2017

Odds 'n' Ends ...

Well, this week I am on vacation and I have A LOT to do! Things I do not normally have the time for during the work week (nor the energy to do), I am going to have to get done. I have to help my mother take care of some serious family business at the lawyer's office tomorrow concerning my brother and I also need to clean the entire house.

To be honest, there is much turmoil going on in my life currently which I am not at liberty to discuss in detail at the moment. I will only say that between my marriage problems (this Friday is supposed to be our 16th anniversary), trying to be there all the time for my mother who only has me to turn to with her own problems since my dad passed away, and my job - needless to say I am dealing with quite a bit, but I am trying very hard to get through it all with some dignity (not to mention my sanity)!

On a more positive note; however, Mabon is this week so my sister Robin and I are planning to get together next Saturday afternoon for our celebration. As in the previous sabbat rituals, Dark Elf is planning on joining us as well via SKYPE. I will most likely write a post after our ritual next weekend.

Dark Elf
Until next time, my friends ~ Brightest Blessings!


  1. a) I have been on such turmoil and worse for about three years. I guess now it 's your turn most unfortunately...

    b) It 's hardly a harvest in our case. As an academic, i always view autumn equinox as a begining. In my book of shadows, i will have a blessing to students for this sabbat, when i write it. So, what really happens is most like a begining by all signs.

  2. Hugs and prayers - counting your blessings helps get you through trying time - or at least that is how I approach the trials and tribulations life throws my way, these days.

    1. Thank you Judy, you are a wise gal indeed!!

      Hugs, Kim

  3. The universe has a way to put your life upside down, until you get that clear moment of where you are suppose to be and feel. And, until you get there, unfortunately, things keep happening, until you get it right!
    Keep being you Kim and keep the love for your soul going. Shine bright my friend!
    Big Hugs and Much Love!

  4. I agree, Stacy. I am afraid you are right about that .. lol

    Thank you and much love to you as well!!
