Sunday, October 22, 2017

Sunday odds 'n' ends ...

Happy Sunday everyone! Today is officially the last day of my vacation off from work. I plan to spend it with my sister Robin and Dark Elf. I am also getting ready for our Samhain celebration. As you can see from the above pic, I bought some small pumpkins for our altar.

Yesterday I spent the day with my mom and she gave me a few vintage Halloween decorations which she found up in the attic from when I was just a kid. I really love these ...

She also found a couple of my dad's old Army pics from when he was stationed in Italy. I plan on using these pics to display next to our altar for this year's Samhain ...

Miss you each and every day, dad!

>^^<    >^^<    >^^<    >^^<    >^^<    >^^<    >^^<

Until next time, Brightest Blessings all!! 


  1. Fun decorations. Nice pictures of your dad. So handsome. Love the kitties chilling under the tree. Enjoy your day.

  2. How wonderful for you to have these personal, vintage, childhood Halloween decorations.
    Precious photos that mean so much...priceless!
    Love the fur babies under your Halloween tree :)

    Much Love and Hugs

  3. I love the vintage decorations! Your dad's photos are amazing! A very handsome man! Give the fur babies a hug from me!

  4. Hi, I've just come over from Stacey's blog ...
    Lovely picture of the pumpkins and your Dad's photographs are very special.
    Nice to see the vintage decorations too.

    All the best Jan

    1. Hi Jan! Good to meet you and thank you for your thoughtful comments and for visiting!

      Have a great weekend ~

