Saturday, October 21, 2017

This 'n' That, the winner of the fall wreath and a little surprise ...

Greetings friends! Well, it has been quite a busy week off and this weekend is going to be busy as well. Last night I had my monthly get-together with my friend, Kiki. We enjoyed a nice little dinner at a local place called, "Ganly's Pub." I had a yummy PA Dutch favorite treat ...
Homemade Chicken Pot Pie made with square dough, diced potatoes and chicken, parsley in a thick broth. Delicious!

And, Kiki surprised me with a beautiful little cast iron mermaid  which I immediately hung up in my bathroom ...

And also unbeknownst to my friend, I gave her a little something as well to add to her rooster-themed kitchen that I happened to find at the Hay Creek Apple Fest last weekend. It is a rooster hand towel and matching pot holder set. She sent me this pic of it just today ...

)o(     )o(     )o(     )o(     )o(     )o(     )o(

Now, to announce the winner of the fall wreath is my little Kiki cat ... Okay, close yours eyes and pic a name out of the ceramic pumpkin dish ...
And the winner is ...

Oh yes now for the little surprise, I have decided to add a little extra gift to the drawing. It is a black cat and pumpkin figurine. And so, I asked Kiki to pick yet one more name from the pumpkin dish ...

This winner of this little prize is CJ Kennedy from the blog "CJ & Ink"! :)

Congratulations to the winners and thank you to everyone who participated! I may also have another giveaway around winter with a couple of different prizes so I will keep you all posted closer to the time.

As per usual, the winners must e-mail me their addresses at  in which to mail their gift (ALL addresses are confidential and will be kept private!) and will also need to contact me within three business days to claim their prize (in other words, by Wednesday the 25th please). If your prize is not claimed, another name will be picked unless otherwise informed. As always, I will also attempt to contact the winners via a comment on their blogs as well. :)

Again, thanks to everyone and have a Blessed weekend all!!


  1. Congratulations to Incipient Wings. And I'm happy dancing. Thank you, my Lady. =^..^=

    1. You're very welcome, CJ! I received your e-mail and will be getting your gift out to you in the mail this week.

      Have a great weekend!!

  2. Congratulations to the winners!!!
    My dearest Kim, you have such a generous heart and a beautiful soul. Thank you for just being you. You keep the little girl witch in me alive and well :)

    Big Hugs and Much Love

    1. Jan! So happy to hear from you my dear friend! You are so kind and I am blessed to have met you. You are such a warm and caring soul.

      Love and hugs to you!!

  3. Yay! thank you and Kiki cat for this beautiful wreath. I love it!
    You're so generous:)

    1. You are so very welcome! I received your email and no problem at all.

      I will mail your wreath out to you this week as well.

      (oh yes, and Kiki cat also says you are welcome) LOL!

  4. Congrats to the winners! You are so special Kim, to giveaway two prizes!! I love the gifts that you and your friend gave each other! Perfect! Give Kiki a big hug from me! Big Hugs Kim!
