Sunday, November 05, 2017

A lazy Sunday ... well sort of

Yes that is indeed true, never a dull moment ... (although I am trying very hard to have one). I had to put Kiki back on her one med, metoclopramide, (a medication to help prevent her from vomiting every day) after the vet told us we could take her off of it as she was doing so well and did not seem to need it any longer. I pray this helps her because she has been vomiting up for the past three days. As it is, she is still taking pepsid-ac twice a day and two 5mg pills of prednisolone which helps her a bit. 

I took a couple of pics of her this morning snuggling with me on the sofa. She loves to relax with me when she is not enjoying sleeping under the Halloween tree ...

As for the rest of my day, I plan on cleaning the house and chilling with my little girl until bedtime. And so my dear friends, I will leave you all with a funny little post which I am sharing from Dark Elf's (Perry's) page ...  ;)


  1. I can hardly believe that you are crazy. :p It 's a miracle that you are keeping your sanity while being surrounded by those crazy pets & people as well... :p

  2. Poor Kiki. Hope she's doing better. Give her a cuddle for me. I'm spending my day channeling my grandma and cooking up a storm. Enjoy the rest of your day.

    1. Will do, CJ! Happy Sunday to you and enjoy your cooking day!

  3. Give Kiki a big hug from me! I am so sorry for what she is going through! You crazy?? Never!! LOL! Take Care and keep on smiling!

    1. I most certainly will give her a big hug from her auntie Stacy!

      Hugs back, love!

  4. Happy thoughts to you and Kiki..I hope she starts to feel better really soon.

    1. Thank you, Marfi. Kiki and I greatly appreciate your kind and caring thoughts.
