Wednesday, November 08, 2017

This and That ...

Funny little story ... yesterday I took a day off from work to take my mom to her eye doctor appointment. While sitting in the waiting room, I looked around only to see the typical scene EVERYWHERE you go these days. I saw every single, solitary person around me with their faces pasted to their cell phones and tablets either playing games or checking their e-mails, etc. Now, please do not get me wrong, I do "get" that cell phones have their uses, but personally speaking, I find them distracting and annoyingly rude for the most part simply because of the way people act with them -  as if they are some kind of actual replacement for communicating on a "personal" level with others (know what I mean?) ... and, as though it is an "appendage" they simply can NOT live without! (but I digress .. lol)

Then suddenly, a nice lady walked into the waiting room and sat next to me. Lo and behold I saw something I rarely ever see anymore ... she actually picked up a magazine in lieu of playing with her cell phone. I looked at her and said, "How refreshing!" She turned to me, smiled and said, "What do you mean?" I replied, "It is nice to see someone pick up a magazine in public instead of a cell phone for a change." She laughed and told me, "I do have one but I refuse to live on it like most people do. I have better things to do such as LIVE my life!" ... she was a smart woman indeed I do believe.

After my mom's doctor appointment, we decided to go shopping around the area and ended up at one of our local Dollar Tree stores. I found a couple of goodies while we were there ...

Pure, refined coconut oil to use with my essential oils
(For more information regarding healing oils and their uses please check out my post link:

Something different for me, colored mascara. The blue colored mascara on the left (cobalt blue) and the purple (portly plum) on the right. I think I like the blue better ... :)

And, when we got home, my mom surprised me with this cute little cat magnet ...

All in all a pretty enjoyable day for my mom and I ...



  1. Sounds like a good day. For essential oils, I prefer using fractionated coconut oil. That way, I can make a roller bottle with the essential oils. Cute magnet. And a lovely picture of your and your mom.

    1. That sounds like a great idea ... roller bottle ... hmmm. lol

  2. A great day with your mom! I so agree about the cell phones! I hate when the person is with a bank teller and then they decide to answer their cell phone! Rude!! You have such beautiful eyes Kim! I like the blue mascara too! Coconut oil sounds good! Love the picture of you and your mom! Cute magnet too! Big Hugs!

    1. Thanks Stacy! You are so sweet, my sister!!! I am spending much time lately with my mom these days. Hope all is well!

      Love and hugs!

    2. Enjoy your time with your mom! Everything is going amazing! Thank you! Big Hugs!
