Sunday, November 12, 2017

Chance or 'Divine Intervention'?

This is a question which I have asked myself my entire life. My conclusion? Well, while I do believe that people come and go in our lives for some sort of reason, I do not completely subscribe to the idea that EVERYTHING happens for a "reason." Good, bad or indifferent, I do not think we will ever truly know "why" things happen in our lives which we have absolutely no control over. I will say this, it seems the older we get, the more we seem to lose in terms of the ones we hold dear to us. 

Why am I writing about this particular subject? Well, as of late things have become a bit overwhelming in my life and now to add to everything else going on Kiki has taken a turn for the worse. Her meds are no longer working and there is little left we can do for her. She can not keep her food in her stomach and I fear that once we take her to the vet (her next check up is scheduled for mid-December) they will feed her through intravenous tubes and she will never make it back home again - just in time for the holidays of course and I was so praying that she would make it until afterwards. Now, it looks as though she will not even make it until Thanksgiving.  :( 

On the flip side of this coin, I was out to dinner last Thursday night and "coincidentally?" met a man who sat next to me and after he told me his last name, I realized that he may be a distant relative on my mom's side of the family. Through phone calls and emails, it turns out that he is related to me as my cousin confirmed it just this morning. My cousin has a huge database full of our family history which he has been gathering information on for many years now.

So, what do you think? Do you believe in either "chance" or "divine intervention."? 


  1. So very sorry to hear about your dear, little Kiki. As to chance or divine intervention. I think Shakespeare said it best: There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy. - Hamlet

    1. Good point, CJ and thank you for your kind words. :)

  2. Oh, sweetie, hugs-n-prayers for you and Kiki.

    As I get older, I see less chance. Things that happened in the past, that didn't make sense, I understand the 'why' behind the events with more life experience. Some events? My God has some 'spainin' to do, when I stand before Him.

    1. Thank you for your thoughtful words of kindness, Judy. I am very sorry to hear about your sister. Know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.

      As for the 'spainin' to do, I could not agree more, my dear friend! :)

      Please take care!

  3. I am so sorry to hear about Kiki dear Kim. My prayers for you both.
    I do feel that sometimes destiny finds a way into our lives for one reason or another. We may never know what that reason was...but it happened so we accept it and move on. It may be that the reason hasn't happened yet...but will at a later time.

    Hugs My Dearest Kim...I am so sorry~

  4. I am so sorry about Kiki Kim!! Sending healing prayers! I hope she doesn't suffer! I truly believe there are reasons for everything. That was so cool meeting a distant cousin!! Big Hugs!

    1. Thank you Jan and Stacy for your loving thoughts and prayers. I am doing the best I possibly can for her, as Jan so wisely said, "We accept it." :(

      Blessings to you always, Kim

  5. I really do believe we meet people for a reason,
    "Some are blessings and some are lessons"
    Maybe it's what you make of it that matters.

    I'm so very sorry about your precious Kiki. I know how hard it is to make that decision. Sending you blessings, courage & hugs.
