Tuesday, November 21, 2017

This and That

Greetings my friends and happy Wednesday! Things have been busy here as usual and with the holidays approaching, even busier. As you all know, every year we have an Angel Tree at work where we can pick cards for either children or senior citizens, It is a chance to give back to those less fortunate as some of us. Since the children's cards are usually the first to get picked from the tree, I always take two senior cards. This year, I picked one man and one woman who both asked specifically for white towels. So today I went shopping and bought two towel sets (2 large towels, two hand towel and four wash towels) along with gift bags and cards. 

I also added a cute little holiday wash towel set just for so. The Salvation Army does not accept gifts already wrapped as they wrap them themselves; however, we are welcome to donate wrapping paper, etc. if we like. 

While I was out, I stopped off at a cool little store called "Five Below" and found these warm, comfy plush mermaid tail blankets .

They meet the Kiki kitty seal of approval.

I would like to say a sincere "Thank You" to all of you who have sent Kiki love and prayers. She continues to have her good days along with the bad days, but with a little luck we will get through the holidays? We are taking it one day at a time. For the time being, I am spending as much time as I can with her. 

For those of you who celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday, I wish you a happy and blessed one!


  1. How thoughtful of you to remember the Elders. (My dad hated the term Senior Citizens) I'mm sure the towels will be appreciated and the holiday set is a nice pop of color. Cuddles and headbutts to Miss Kiki. Have a Happy Thanksgiving.

    1. LOL, yup, I must admit that I agree with your dad on that one since I, too, am now considered a "senior/elder."

      Miss Kiki thanks you for the "cuddles and headbutts" (after all, what kitty doesn't enjoy THAT!)

      Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours as well, CJ!

  2. How sweet to get gifts for them! I love the colorful ones you added.
    My dad lived the last few months of his life in a nursing home with dementia, but he still liked getting his xmas gifts from us.
    Many of the patients were forgotten. we used to bring knit gloves for them.
    I didn't know the seniors were included in the Angel Tree program..I love that!
    How cool are those mermaid blankets!do they fit adults?
    we don't have a five below here, unfortunately.
    Blessing to Kiki, may she feel our virtual hugs from here!
    please tell her we love her!!

    1. Marfi, I can relate to what you are saying about the elderly folks in the nursing homes. I just want to give them a hug when I see them.

      The mermaid blankets are kid-sized, but very soft and comfortable. I have seen adult sizes in a couple of other stores, but I think they are hard to find.

      Kiki sends her love back to all of you!

      Hugs and blessings!

  3. That is really special Kim, for you to get the gifts for the seniors! I know they will love everything you did! So many people are forgotten. I was delivering little gifts to 6 neighbours this week, because we had some major trees cut down, and they were all appreciative and said I didn't have to do that, but it's the little things that make people smile.
    I love those mermaid blankets!!
    Sending Kiki so much love and a gentle hug!
    Love you Kim! Big Hugs!

  4. I hope you got my comment? I hope I pressed the right button! LOL! Big Hugs!
