Friday, December 22, 2017

The next holiday gathering ...

As I have said many times before, I am Wiccan and therefore celebrate Yule and the Winter Solstice; however, my Christian family celebrates Christmas. Even though, I, personally do not recognize this particular holiday, I respect the fact that my family does and so, short of attending any Christian church services, I join my family for the day in enjoying their company and sharing our blessings. Every year, our family seems to get smaller and smaller and so we no longer cook the huge, extravagant holiday dinners we used to in years past. Instead, we usually choose to bring the dinner to us and purchase prepared food to put together at home ...

All kinds of sweets which include homemade cookies, chocolate-covered pretzels and various chocolates ...

I am bringing the veggies and mashed potatoes. My mom is making the ham for our holiday dinner. 

Also, my friends and extended family and I still enjoy exchanging nice little gifts every year at this time ...

Gifts from my long-time friend, Judy. She (or should I say "Santa Paws") also showers my cats with treats and toys each and every year as I do for her fur babies as well. The pic at the top is a personalized card she made of all of her doggies - Sadie, Punkin, Cooper, and Bubba Joe.  :)

The lovely glass Black Cat necklace my friend Judy gave me in honor of my beloved cat Midnight whom I had lost earlier this year.

My Yule gifts from my sister Aurora Skye - a pair of beautiful Pisces earrings and a large Holiday Sage scented Yankee candle ...
A closer look at the Pisces earrings

I am scheduled off on vacation all next week. I have lots I plan to do around the house and so I will be pretty busy and not sure how much I will have time to post, but I will try to post if possible.

For all of my Christian friends, I wish you and your families a very Merry Christmas filled with nothing but love and joy!!  


  1. What lovely gifts you received especially the black cat necklace. Such a lovely remembrance of your beloved Midnight. Enjoy the time spent with your family and save me a chocolate covered pretzel or two =^,.^=

    PS Your wreath will be shown on my blog, Saturday 12/22 Thank you again.

  2. Have a very Merry Christmas with your family Kim! All the food looks very yummy! I love the kitty necklace and earrings and candle! Everything is so beautiful! Have a great week! Sending lots of love! Big Hugs!
