Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Yule celebration ~ 2017

"Blessed be the Maiden - innocent and fresh,
Blessed be the Mother - fertile and loving,
Blessed be the Crone - powerful and wise!"

)o(   )o(   )o(   )o(   )o(   )o(   )o(   )o(

"O Gracious Mother and Merciful Father,
We pray that you help the leaders of this world to have compassion in their hearts,
That you give them the wisdom to end the suffering caused by wars,
And the understanding that only through peace will we truly be happy;
We humbly ask you to guard and protect all of our brothers and sisters in the military,
And give comfort to their loved ones,
May you lead us from death to life,
From falsehood to truth,
Lead us from despair to hope,
From fear to trust,
Lead us from hate to love,
From war to peace,
Let peace fill our hearts, our world, our Universe;
Let our words be spoken in truth,
And our hearts show only love."

Blessed Yule to all! Tonight, my sister Aurora Skye and I had our Yule celebration and held our yearly ritual. Here are a few pics ...


  1. Lovely sentiments. Happy Yule and Blessed Be.

  2. Your invocation of kindness is echoed here. Thank you.

  3. Happy Yule Kim! Beautiful!!!! Big Hugs!
