Thursday, December 07, 2017

This and That ...

Happy Thursday everyone! Not a whole lot going on here, only a couple of things. The other day I received a box of crocheted glass balls I ordered from for my mom's Christmas tree. She loves to use the classic white lights and I thought these would look very nice with white.

Also, last night I attended a Gary Numan concert live at Union Transfer in Philadelphia, PA. Because it was held in a venue which served alcohol, I had to be CARDED at the door. I am 53 years old so talk about funny, that definitely made my night! LOL

 Here are a few of the dozens of pics taken last night from the balcony level ...

Just a heads up, I plan to post the Winter/Yule wreath giveaway sometime this weekend if anyone is interested in joining! :)


  1. The crochet ornaments are so pretty. I think they will look beautiful with the white lights. And I must be so old. I have no idea who Gary Numan is. :-D

    1. LOL, Gary Numan is an old 70's and 80"s British rock/alternative musician. Not too many folks remember him unless they were "into" his music at the time. So, no worries you are NOT old! lol :D

  2. The ornaments are so pretty! I love the crochet on them! I bet your mom is going to love them! That must have been a great concert with Gary Numan! So cute you were carded! LOL! Of course I would be happy to join in your giveaway! Big Hugs!
