Sunday, December 03, 2017

A night out ...

Last night, I had dinner and drinks with a long time friend of mine. He, his wife, two close friends of theirs, and I celebrated his 57th birthday at a local Irish pub called, "Flanagan's" ...

Birthday boy Dave

Dave and wife, Deb

Instead of a birthday cake, he had a slice of Bailey's Irish Cream cheesecake with whipped cream and a candle on top!



We also stayed after dinner to listen to a sixties music band called, "60 Shades of Gray."

We had a great time. The band started playing at 8:30PM and we hung around for their first set then left around 10 ... what can I say? We just can't "hang" like we used to ... HA HA HA!!


  1. The cheesecake looks sooo good. And it's a good thing the band started playing early =^,.^=

  2. Happy photos! This is my birthday month too and cheesecake is a favorite. Thanks for the idea!

  3. sounds like a great time was had by all.
    That cheesecake!!wow!!

  4. A great night Kim! Happy Birthday to your friend! Loved the pictures! The cheesecake looks so yummy! Big Hugs!
