Wednesday, March 21, 2018

A Wednesday post

Ahh yes, just as predicted, it is a snowy Wednesday ... it started snowing around noontime yesterday, stopped and then began snowing again overnight. By morning, we had snow mixed with freezing sleet and it has decided to start snowing yet again ... should be interesting to see how much we end up with after it is over. I had taken a vacation day from work anyway weeks ago in order to take my mom for an outpatient foot surgery which she was supposed to be have at 6:30 am this morning. Needless to say, we had to cancel it  and she must now re-schedule it for another time ...

And it is also a LAZY Wednesday as well ...

Goofing around with Sir Leo who loves to snooze on the bed.

Leo checking out the cold snow from his "man cave" in the catio.

Lady Tabitha watching the snowfall from the living room window.

Just a little 'shout out' to my blogger friends who are also dealing with the rather nasty (and sometimes very hazardous) lagging winter weather ...  PLEASE STAY SAFE!!!


  1. You stay safe too Kim!!! I hope the power doesn't go out! Give your kitties extra warm hugs from me! I love the picture of you joking around with Sir Leo! Big Hugs!

  2. This snow was supposed to explode over us, but happily it fizzled. It's snowing lightly and when all is done will only be an inch or two. Sorry that you got buried on the first full day of Spring. Looks like it was a good snow day, though.

    1. I am glad the storm missed you this time around ... snow is already half melted with the temps back in the 40's again! LOL!!

  3. so scary..I don't know how I would ever get anywhere!
    Sir Leo is very beautiful,, as is Lady Tabitha..we have a Tabitha too..she's also a fluffy girl.
