Tuesday, March 20, 2018

This and That ...

BLESSED OSTARA TO EVERYONE! It is "officially" the first day of Spring; however, we have had snow here all day. It is supposed to continue snowing into tomorrow. My sister, Aurora Skye and I are planning our Ostara celebration together this coming Saturday - a couple of days or so later but perhaps by then we will actually "feel" as if spring has sprung? At any rate, we wish to get together this weekend.

In other news, we have agreed on a trial basis only to take in a stray kitty who was found by a friend of mine. He has been looking for  homes for at least two outside cats since he already has five indoor cats, he can not take anymore at this time. He thinks she is a little over a year old (not exactly sure of her age), she is long-haired and looks much like a tortie in her coat color. She is not thrilled about being in my house and since we can not get her into our vet to get checked for Fe-Leuk (Feline Leukemia), her shots, take care of any parasites she may have from being outside in the wild, etc. until next Monday evening, we have temporarily set her up in a large dog cage downstairs away from my other cats until she is given (hopefully) a clean  bill of health.
Should she get the okay from the vet after her examination, the next step is the difficult task of gaining her trust (as you can see, all she wants to do is hide in her litter box) then try to acclimate her to her new life with my other two house cats. I have to say, she is not an easy case so far, but we are trying and will give her a bit of time to get used to us; however, the choice is ultimately hers in the end. We are thinking about naming her "Eva" (I also liked the name Pandora), but we shall see.

Moving on, I had decided to add a witches cord to our Ostara ritual this year since it has been quite a while since we performed one and I truly do enjoy them as part of our celebration!
The witches cords: Lavender, pink and light blue ribbons (3 ft. long each) and a bag for gemstones, herbs associated with the sabbat holiday , and/or personal items you  may wish to use.

The snow has all melted
And winter has gone, 
Now Nature is singing
Springs’ most beautiful song;
As we honor the Goddess -
The Devine Eostre, 
While she breathes her life
Into the birds and the bees;
She's fertile and loving
Ancient Mother is she
From the youngest child
To the oldest tree

 ~ Lady Caer Morganna


  1. We're expecting your storm to join a storm coming up the coast later today. At the rate we're going with this 4th storm in the month of March, we won't see Ostara until July. How kind of you to open your home to the kitty. Such a shame someone abandoned such a pretty creature. Your altar looks very pretty. I love the pansies, one of my favorite flowers. Have a lovely visit with your sister.

    1. Yes CJ, this winter crap I, too, have had quite enough of already ...lol!

      Please stay safe! Hopefully, it will all be OVER soon! (or at least with any luck before July) ;)

  2. Happy Spring Kim! The kitty is so pretty! I hope everything works out alright! It's a shame, she was abandoned! So sad! Your altar is gorgeous! Big Hugs!
