Sunday, March 25, 2018

Ostara celebration & Happy Sunday!

Good morning and Happy Sunday everyone! As planned, yesterday my sister, Aurora Skye and I decided to celebrate a rather "belated" Ostara. We added a couple of little things to this year's ritual. One of them was performing witches cords ...

Passing the cords and bags through the burning incense then hanging them up afterwards ...

We then decided to run to our favorite book store (or should I say the only book store left around here anymore), Barnes & Noble. There, I found a gorgeous new deck of mermaid tarot cards called the "Oceanic Tarot" which I can not wait to begin using!

After we got back we enjoyed a nice frozen drink I made for us. It is a vanilla-flavored rum topped with whipped cream and strawberry shortcake cookies ...

All in all, it was a truly wonderful day. The sun was shining and the temperatures were in the 50's. My kind of day actually - not too hot and not too cold. Enjoy the rest of the weekend all and Brightest Blessings!


  1. So glad you had a nice time celebrating the Sabbat with your sister. The mermaid tarot cards look so pretty. So does your rum swizzler. Our snow squalls have stopped and the sun is shining. Temps are supposed to warm up this week and hopefully will melt the blasted snow cover. Have a great week. Blessed be.

  2. It makes me very happy that you both had such a great time together!

    I wish you both much peace and happiness in this night to come and into the early dark Magickal morning hours!

  3. Oh my gosh! How I wish I had a sister with whom to share an observance like that. Thanks for the photo of you two smiling the family smile. Most uplifting!

  4. What a beautiful Day and a beautiful celebration!!! That drink looks so yummy! Enjoy your new deck of cards! Love the picture of you two! Big Hugs!

  5. I saw my painting in the background! Big Hugs!
