Saturday, March 31, 2018

This and That ...

Greetings everyone! Well, it is yet another holiday weekend ... yes, even for those of us who are not Christian many of us still have family who celebrate this contemporary religious holiday and therefore still choose to spend time with our families all the same. I am, of course, one of them. That doesn't mean that I do not also wish all of my friends out there a Blessed Easter because I surely do!

("Ava" the stray cat we temporarily named)

It has been a rather rough week emotionally for me. First, we had taken the stray cat to the vet appointment on Monday which we had scheduled for the kitty we agreed to try to take in our home on a trial basis only. The vet examined her and the good news is that she is Feluek negative; however, the bad news is that she is extremely malnourished and pregnant, and she is loaded with lice which means that she can not be treated without hurting the fetus NOR jeopardizing her own health since she is in such a weak state! The vet would not even give her shots at this point. He told us to give her kitten chow and as much as she will eat because it has more nutrience in it than adult food (she is at least 2 years old according to the vet) and so we took her home with us and I spoke to my friend as to what course of action we should take in lieu of the fact we got her via him. LONG story short, I called the HSUS the next day (and every other animal shelter I could think of) and they agreed to take her in temporarily and I told them that IF they felt they needed to euthanize her, CALL US FIRST and we would come get her rather than see her put to sleep! The woman sounded empathetic to our situation and agreed to note the file and speak to us personally when we brought her there. Lo and behold, my friends sister decided to stick her nose in the whole mess and did exactly what I told her NOT to do. She called HSUS and told them EVERYTHING wrong with the cat and they told her they would not take her now. 

So, last night we had no choice but to take her back to my friends house and, sadly, he had no room for her in his house being he already has five indoor cats and therefore he had to leave her back out to fend for herself! I spent the night crying like a baby and to make matters worse, my friends sister leaves me a very nasty message on my answering machine blaming me for the mess she helped to create and telling me that "I hope you (I) am happy now, the cat will die and it is all your (my) fault ... FU and never call (her) ever again" and so forth. Not a nice scene to say the least. All I know is we did the very best we could given the no-win situation at hand.

On a more positive note, I received a very thoughtful gift from my boss whom I told you all about whose house burned down last year and she and her husband had to rebuild. Anyway, I made her two large decorative wreaths for her new home and yesterday she surprised me with a 'thank you' gift for the wreaths. A special card and a gorgeous handmade mermaid bracelet ...

I apologize for the long post and thanks so much for listening, my friends!

Have wonderful and blessed weekend ALL!


  1. It's too bad your friend's sister had to stick her nose where it didn't belong. If she was that interested, why didn't she take the kitty in? You are not to blame yourself for the way things turned out. You didn't cause the situation, and you tried to help the best way you could.

    Your boss's gift is so pretty and unique. Wear the bracelet in good health. I love your kitty graphic. Makes me think of my Ink, though he would never tolerate a hat or bunny ears. Have a good weekend.

  2. Don't you just love a busybody? They love stirring the pot, and then, are quick to point a finger to deflect any scrutiny of their behavior. You were in a no-win situation and did your best, Hugs.

    Beautiful bracelet, were it with joy.

  3. Hi Kim, I'm sorry I'm so late coming around in blog land.
    First of all, my heart goes out to you and Ava. Kim, you did nothing wrong! Remember that! Sending healing hugs!
    The bracelet is beautiful and very unique!
    Love your kitty bunnies! LOL!
    Big Hugs!
