Sunday, April 01, 2018

Holiday memories are made of this

Happy Sunday, my friends! What is it they say? "The best laid plans "? ... Well, I was originally going to post a couple of 'holiday with the family' posts from today, but as fate would have it, both my husband and my mother-in-law are sick and my own mother is still recovering from a minor foot surgery she had undergone earlier this past week. And so, I have decided to post another one of my 'memories are made of this' posts from my childhood. I will try to take you all through the Easter my brother and I experienced growing up in our house. Since I was not exactly planning this post for today, I was unable to borrow a few old pics from my mom's family photo albums; however, I did find one or two and perhaps I will post some others to use for a 'Throwback Thursday' post in the future. At any rate, here goes ...

Every year, my mother would make these delicious homemade dark chocolate peanut butter eggs and also some coconut cream as well ...

My brother and I would wake up early on Easter Sunday morning to see our Easter baskets on the kitchen table. Stuffed in the artificial grass inside our baskets were lots of goodies such as these ...

And, every single year we each had our own large plastic egg which my mother re-used in which the "Easter Bunny" would place a little gift or toy inside for us. These plastic eggs were placed in the middle of our individual baskets. Mine was pink and my brothers was purple. Mine looked much like this one but it had  pretty painted flowers on the top half ...

My plastic egg usually had a little stuffed animal inside. These are two of the toys I had (yes, I am sentimental and still have these toys from my childhood). I saved them all these years and still keep in a special box up in my attic ...

My Easter dress! (1971)
My brother (don't ya just love my mom's sexy legs in the background of this pic? LOL)

After that, my mother made sure we were dressed and ready to go to church service from 7AM to 10AM. I, of course, wore my purple dress my mother bought me for the occasion. After service, we would either spend the rest of the day eating a homemade family Easter dinner at my nana's (grandmother's) house or she would spend the day at our house ...

An old pic of my brother, Kerry, my mom and my nana (posing with my parents then black poodle named  "Fifi" and her two white poodles "Suzette" and "Bon Bon") taken outside in my nana's back yard on Easter day - 1969.

 Well, that about wraps it up for my old childhood memory. Wishing everyone a very joyous Sunday however you and your family choose to spend it!


  1. Lovely memory. Sweet that you were able to keep the stuffed animals your received from the Easter Bunny. Even sweeter are the homemade candies. The coconut ones would be right down my alley. Sorry your hubby, MIL, and Mom are all under the weather. Hope everyone makes a speedy recovery

    1. Thanks CJ, I am sure they will get well soon! :)

  2. Beautiful memories and I loved that you shared them with us, my dear friend.
    I am sorry that there was sickness in your family this Easter. But it gave you time to reflect on the past and to share these sweet memories with us...thank you, dearest Kim.

    Hugs and Blessings Always~

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Many thanks, dear Jan! You always have the best perspective of any wise woman I have ever known. You are so right about "reflection."

      Love and hugs!

  3. Such a beautiful post Kim! Thank you for sharing your memories with us! Your mom does have great legs! LOL! I love the photos and I love that you kept the stuffed animals!
    I hope everyone is better! Big Hugs!

    1. Thanks, Stacy .. , what can I say? I am nostalgic LOL!!!

    2. Come to think of it, my dad is the one who took that pic with my moms legs in the background ha ha ha ... too funny!

  4. you are as gorgeous as your mama.
    I think it's wonderful that you saved your gifts..they are such precious treasures. I wish I still had childhood toys.
    great post!!!!!

    1. Oh my gosh, Thank you so much for your beautiful comments Marfi! You are too kind.

      As I told Stacy, I guess I am just too nostalgic and like to hold on to too much sometimes. :)
