Monday, May 21, 2018

Monday morning musings

Happy Monday! Today it is bright and sunny out with a little breeze. It is the perfect weather to go for my daily walk and take in the fresh air! Some days, I am able to get in two separate exercise walks and some days none at all depending upon rain.

One thing I have learned in the past the hard way is to never neglect taking my vitamins and supplements, especially while on my diet and exercise regiment. After literally losing clumps of my hair daily a couple of years ago because, as my doctor described it, I 'shocked my body' by depriving it of the nutrients it needed, I have definitely learned my lesson. So, he gave me a list of vitamins and supplements to take on a daily basis. These are B Vitamins (including Biotin), Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, and calcium. Of course I had to change the amount of food intake and adjust what I eat on a daily basis as well. That is why these vitamins are so very important. I have also cut back big time on my sugar and fat. I try to eat foods high in protein like grilled chicken, etc.

It has always been a constant fight between my will and adjusting to the biological rules of nature, but I am determined to do my best to take care of my health as I get older. Before I lost weight, I was borderline diabetic and I had to take pain pills to manage my arthritis in my left knee which only served to help me gain even more weight thereby putting me in more pain. 

It is a lot of hard work to keep my weight down, but it is well worth it in the end!


  1. Good for you! I think the nice weather helps keep up the momentum.

    1. Thanks, CJ! I love it when the weather is in the 70's or 80's with a light breeze. You are right, it helps!

  2. You have will power Kim and it's important to you, so I know that you can do this! Walking is the best exercise there is as far as I am concerned. Best wishes my friend~

    Hugs and Blessings 💮❤💮

    1. Thank you for the vote of confidence, Jan! The more I am reading about the benefits of walking, the better I feel about doing it!


  3. It's important that we take care of our health. I take several supplements for pain--Turmeric, Yucca, Vitamin D3, and calcium/magnesium supplement--because I don't like to take pain killers, including over-the-counter medications which I take only when necessary. My diet has changed drastically...for the good. I eat lots of greens, fruits, and veggies so I stopped with regular vitamins. I love walking, too. If I can't get out due to the weather I walk back and forth the length of my apartment. One day I did 10,000 steps this way.

    1. WOW! You are my kind of gal! That's a lot of steps!!

      I really enjoy your recipes you share with us on your blog. Please keep it up!

  4. Good for you Kim! I'm proud of you! Some very wise words in this post! Big Hugs!
