Friday, May 18, 2018

Friday odds & ends ...

Happy Friday everyone!!  It has been raining here for the past two days and they are calling for more rain into the weekend. Good day to stay in the house and clean. 

Quick heads up regarding the NetworkedBlogs followers app/widget, Dark Elf was able to create a page on FB for our blog so I will be getting rid of it sometime within the next couple of days and replacing it with a link on our sidebar to the FB page. Many THANKS, Dark Elf!!! 

Yesterday I had the chance to meet up with a very dear friend of mine of 30 years. We try to get together and catch up whenever he comes to Pennsylvania ...

Having a delicious lunch with Stew at an Italian Restaurant named, "Giovanni's."

A pic taken in his lovely motor home which he lives in when visiting PA six months out of the year. The other half of the year he travels to Georgia. 

I  also had the pleasure of meeting his neighbor's doxy, "Maddie"

Her guardian told me that Maddie was a rescue dog who they found after some very cruel former owners used to mistreat her terribly. I will spare you all the sad details. All I can say is that Maddie is a very sweet little girl and I am so happy she found the loving home she so deserves! As you can see, she loves to be petted and when she placed her tiny little legs up on my lap, I bent over to pick her up and she sat on my lap contentedly for a few minutes. Her owner looked at me and said, "OMG, I can't believe she actually let you pick her up. She usually does not let any strangers do that!" LOL!

Anyway, wishing all a wonderful weekend!!!


  1. Oh, that motor home. I'm in love. Do you know that owning one has always been a dream of mine? A fantasy to say the least. Hubby would never go for it, and besides, with his health issues, we have to stay where we are to be close to doctors. But I can continue to dream and fantasize.

  2. Rain is good this time of the year but hopefully you won't get to much!!!
    It is always wonderful to be able to meet with old friends and catching up on what's been happening!
    Maddie is adorable! She recognizes a gentle soul when she sees one, my dear Kim 💝 Hugs 💕

  3. Cool, but partly cloudy/partly sunny day today. Your rain is heading up here for Saturday. Maddie is so cute and recognizes you as a a kind and loving spirit. Enjoy your visit with your friend.

  4. Looks like you had a fun visit with your friend! Those pictures of the two of you are adorable! Nice motor home! I love Maddie! So happy she has a good home! Big Hugs!
