Thursday, May 17, 2018

Problem with NetworkedBlogs! (2nd post for today)

Does anyone else out there use the NetworkedBlogs app/widget for their blog/blogs? I have been using this thing for many years (with my Facebook account) and I noticed that the last two days I went from 147 followers to 140 and they just keep on dropping!

Now, I understand that followers come and go, but this is ridiculous. Since I am far from a "tekkie" and much of today's technology escapes me, I am both upset and confused regarding this. So, I did a bit of research on google and found the following links:

I am not even sure that the followers listed are even actually still SEEING my blog posts! I do not deal with Twitter and the like, so perhaps this is the problem? After reading the above links, I get the feeling that NetworkedBlogs is currently obsolete and useless. I have decided that if I continue to lose followers on it, I will just delete the thing altogether! 


After conferring with my co-author Dark Elf (who is actually a  "tekkie") and who has looked further into this matter regarding the NetworkedBlogs app/widget, he suggested we delete it from our blog page and create a new page via Facebook (since apparently Facebook is what screwed the entire thing up in the first place when they changed (as is far too usual a practice with them!) their format. Not too crazy about the idea and not too crazy about Facebook overall, but I kept my account in order to keep in touch with my relatives out of State and my former classmates as well. 

And so, we shall see how it goes ...  


  1. I don't participate in networked blogs (I don't think), but I do remember last year there was some kind of glitch on Blogger that people were all losing followers. I lost over a hundred. I was so disgusted that shortly after that I took a Blogger holiday.

    1. I totally "get it" about how frustrating Blogger can be. Their "tech support" is pretty much just other bloggers helping one another.

      Thanks for the feedback, Mary! I appreciate it!

  2. I don't use Networked Blogs so can't help, but I haven't heard problems from friends who do use it. Maybe the problem isn't Networked Blogs per se. Maybe, Blogger is a culprit, too. I have wonky things happen to my blog the past couple of months.

    1. You could be right about blogger glitches and such. I had thought about that as well. Thanks for your feedback, CJ! ;)

  3. I'm glad everything has been sorted out!
