Saturday, June 16, 2018

A little update on Leo (2nd post for today)

Well, we are not out of the woods quite yet as they say but we had Leo back to see Dr. Mike Friday night. We have been taking our fur babies to Dr. Mike and Dr. Lila Comalli for over two years now since our long-time BEST vet in the entire world retired because he had developed cancer and sadly passed away last year. They are the owners and head veterinarians of the Conrad Weiser Animal Hospital in Womelsdorf, PA.

Drs. Mike and Lila Comalli of Conrad Weiser Animal Hospital

Dr. Mike performed his evaluation of Leo's problem by examining him and also took some urine from him so he could run an analysis right away in the hospital. He said that Leo had urine in his bladder but was not near enough to be considered having a blocked urinal tract. He did say that he believes that Leo may have a urinary tract infection however. So he proceeded to give him an antibiotic shot and something to help induce his appetite somewhat. We are to call him first thing on Monday to give him an update on Leo's condition. Hoping for the best and that this is actually his problem.

I am one of those people who have always given my fur babies a middle name. Since Merlin likes to climb his cage like he is Jungle Jim, I decided his full name will be Merlin James Witycyak ... lol

In the meantime, we will keep a close watch on Leo for the remainder of the weekend. He still refuses to eat his prescription CD wet food, but will eat a little of the dry version of it. Keeping our fingers crossed.


  1. Sending prayers for you and your fur baby. I know what you are going through. We hurt so badly with our fur babies hurt.

  2. Much appreciated, Mary! Thank you!!

  3. Poor Leo, hope that it was that and that he improves soon xxx

    1. Thank you, June! I will keep everyone updated as things go.

      Have a great weekend!

  4. Eating a little dry food is a good thing. Hope Leo keeps improving.

  5. He's a beautiful baby. I hope he's feeling better soon. <3

  6. yes..sending blessings and hugs to you and Leo!

  7. I really pray Leo improves!! Love Merlin's name! LOL! Big Hugs!
