Saturday, June 16, 2018

A valuable lesson in life

Things are not always what they seem. I learned a long time ago that just because people do not talk about their problems, does not necessarily mean that they do not have any!

Allow me to share a true, personal story with you. I had a friend many years ago whom I thought had it all. She had a career, a very beautiful expensive house, three beautiful children, and a good-looking husband who also had a great career. I used to envy her for her picture perfect life and always wished I could have that perfect life. 

Until I received a phone call at about 2am in the morning from her. She was extremely upset and crying. She told me that her husband of 25 years sat her and their children down and informed them that he was leaving them all for another woman and wanted a divorce. Rather cold, unfeeling-like and a very cruel thing to do! I tried to console her as best I could at the time and told her if she needed me that I would always be there for her (we have always been there for one another and still are for that matter). She proceeded to tell me that her husband had cheated on her in the past, but never told anyone about it. When I asked her why, she respsonded, "I never wanted to bother anyone else with my personal problems."

I remember feeling so bad for what she was going through and yet at the same time I was in complete and utter shock! I simply could not believe what I was hearing. After some time to process what my friend had told me over the phone, I then realized that there really is no such thing as a "perfect life" because their is no such thing as a perfect world. 


  1. I remember a long time ago somebody telling me that if you and you partner don't fight off and on there is something wrong with the relationship. Everyone argues from time to time. I was especially fragile when we first got together as I had just come out of a very bad relationship. I never really spoke about my feelings with anyone until I started seeing a therapist. Was finally able to talk about.

  2. A very good post Kim! Wise words! Big Hugs!
