Wednesday, June 27, 2018

(Almost) Wordless Wednesday

Happy Wednesday everyone, hope all is well! Yesterday, we took my mother-in-law out for an early dinner at our local Cracker Barrel to celebrate her birthday ...

My mom and my mother-in-law, Dawn.

Mom 'n' me.

I had a delicious unfiltered ginger ale soda in a frosted mug ... 100% ginger ale, natural cane sugar only, no extracts or oils, and no artificial preservatives.

I absolutely love the cool gift shop at Cracker Barrel and their clothing is simply lovely. I really like clothing with crochet in them and just had to get this blouse while I was there ...

Dawn's birthday flowers.

Dawn's puppy dog, Tulip relaxing in her favorite spot, Dawn's lap.

Tulip, the Cavalier King Charles


  1. Happy Birthday to Dawn! I love Cracker Barrel. Good plain food (I'm not one for hot and spicy) and poking in the shop is always fun. The blouse is very pretty. Wear it in good health.

  2. That soda sounds very good. Yummy. I love root beer in a frosted mug. What a gorgeous blouse. We don't have a Crackle Barrel here in Brooklyn, but I wish we did. My mouth waters when I see the commercials. Is it as good as it looks?

    1. Yup, the food is GREAT! I was actually at a Cracker Barrel in Syracuse, NY a few years ago. I was fortunate enough to be able to meet up with a blogger friend of mine on our way to Ontario, Canada. ;)

  3. How nice!
    A beautiful day spent with those you love and a good meal AND that gorgeous top!!!
    Happy Birthday Dawn 🎂

    Big Hugs ❤❤❤

  4. What a great day Kim! Happy Birthday to your Mother-in-law! Loved all the photos! The blouse is beautiful! The puppy is so cute! Big Hugs!
