Sunday, June 24, 2018

Sunday lazy Sunday ...

Well, it is another lazy Sunday and everyone is just chillin' out today ...

Merlin's new kitten collar

While I was out and about with my mom yesterday, I picked up an adult coloring book at A.C. Moore Arts & Crafts store. Now, I have been hearing about how relaxing it is from my sister Aurora so I thought I would give a try? Of course, I had to buy the mermaid coloring book ...

I also bought a really cool dragon t-shirt at Celtic Myth & Moonlight while I was there to drop off the donated books I promised the owner, Dot, last week.

I have to admit that I was rather surprised to find out how many people have apparently not seen the movie I talked about in yesterday's post. So, I will give you all a brief synopsis of it without giving away any spoiler alerts. The movie "Benny & Joon" is actually about a brother and sister who lost their parents in a house fire when they were just kids. Joon (played by Mary Stuart Masterson) is mentally ill and brother Benny (played by Aidan Quinn) has taken on the difficult responsibility of taking care of her while trying to run his garage business and job as an auto mechanic. 

One night, Benny takes Joon along with him to play poker at his friend Mike's house. When Joon loses a bet, Benny gains his friend's loony, off-the-wall cousin, Sam (as played by Johnny Depp). Sam agrees to become Joon's temporary care-giver while Benny is at work and the story pretty much takes off from there. I can not say much more without giving away any more of the story line. I will; however, say that it is a very touching (and entertaining) movie. The following video is from a song featured in the movie and is filled with some awesome scenes from it. Enjoy! 

Sam: "I'm Sam."
Benny: "So I hear. I'm Benny."
Sam: "With an 'n'?"
Benny: "Yea, two of 'em. This is Joon."
Joon: "One. You're out of your tree."
Sam: "It's not my tree."


  1. That looks like a fun coloring book. I haven't seen that one. I have a few coloring books, but have trouble with arthritis in my fingers so I can only do a wee bit at a time. Your kitties are so beautiful. You are blessed.

    1. Thank you, Mary. My problem is patience, I have a hard time sitting down long enough to actually RELAX ... LOL!

  2. Everyone looks so comfy and cozy which is a perfect way to spend a Sunday (or any day for that matter) Enjoy your coloring book. Your dragon shirt is awesome! Benny and Joon looks like a sweet movie. I like The Proclaimers' 500 Miles, but the version done for David Tennant, the !0th Dcotor's, going away party. Enjoy the rest of your weekend

    1. I love Doctor Who starring David Tennant. He is actually my favorite Doctor out of all the actors they used for the show. I will definitely check out that video!

  3. Love that second photo...a heart with a tail :)
    That dragon tee-shirt is great!!!
    I also love, lovel love your mermaid book!!!

    Big Hugs dear Kim ❤💕❤

    1. "A heart with a tail" indeed!

      Thank you Jan and big, big hugs!

  4. everyone looks so comfy!
    Love the coloring book and t shirt:) fun day you had!

  5. That second photo is too cute! Looks like everyone is surely relaxing! Enjoy your colouring book! Love your t-shirt Kim!
    Big Hugs!
