Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Happy Birthday Aurora Skye!!

Happy Tuesday all! Today is my sister Aurora Skye's birthday. Last night we all gathered at our favorite haunt, Flanagan's Pub!
Sister mine

Opening her gifts. I just love this pic!

Posing pretty with her hubby, Jim.

Sharing a fun moment with our friend and the owner of Flanagan's Pub, Christopher Flanagan. Chris treats his patrons to a free mug of whatever drink they want for their birthday. Aurora is drinking her favorite refreshment - a Vodka and Cranberry.

Also joining us for dinner were my long-time and dear friends Dave and Deb ...

"The Gang"

Have a blessed day everyone!!


  1. Looks like a fun night. Yankee Candles are one of my favorite candle makers.

    1. We love Yankee Candles, too. There is a local store near us that my sister and I frequent (too) often! LOL

      I also like Our Own Candle Company because they make the soy candles. :)

    2. I order a lot from My Own Candle Company, too. My other favorite. Lately I've been getting scented candles from Etsy stores, though.

  2. A very Happy Birthday to your sister. Looks like you all had a wonderful time.

  3. Happy birthday to your sister!

  4. Happy Birthday to your sister. Looks like a lovely time. I wanted also to say thanks for the lovely comment on my blog.


  5. What a great time! Love the photos Kim!
    Happy birthday to your sister!!
    Big Hugs!
