Monday, June 11, 2018

Memories are made of this

While cleaning up the attic today, I found some things which I had forgotten I held on to after all these years. I will post a few pics for you and you will understand why these items mean so much to me ...

This is "Lisa", my very first baby doll I received as a child from my nana who crochet many outfits for both Lisa and my Barbie dolls ...

This matching cape and skirt was made by my mom. She made a lot of my own clothing for me to wear while I was growing up and she was such a good seamstress. Alas, I never inhereted her talent ...

A bridal dress for my Barbie doll and a groom's suit for my Ken doll ...

My nana use to crochet many things. One of the things she used to make for me was a pair of warm night booties. I remember one time, I wore them so much that my booties actually had holes on the soles. I began to cry and my dad immediately called my nana and told her how upset I was about ruining the booties she had made me and my nana made me another pair right away ...  great family memories never truly go away and I am blessed to have them!


  1. Your Nana sounds like a very special, very talented lady. :o)

  2. How amazing that you still have these things. I am in awe. I never had a real Barbie. It still saddens me when I think of it. I'd wanted one so badly, but all I got were fake Barbies. They were pretty, yes, and looked the same, but they just weren't the real thing and my little friends all knew it. They'd always boast about their Barbies.

  3. How sweet to save those items lovingly made for you and your dolls.

  4. This is such a beautiful post Kim! I love it! These are great memories!! Big Hugs!
