Sunday, June 10, 2018

Lazy Sunday

Well, it has been a rainy, miserable day outside today. The only thing it is good for is being lazy and doing nothing. Doesn't seem to bother my kitties at all however.

Little Merlin likes to feast and nap today ...

Tabitha has been watching the rain from the couch window ...

and Leo is sleeping on his cat condo in his lair (catio) ...

I decided to put up the new cat curtains at his window ...


  1. cozy, happy kitties! love these photos:)
    cute curtains!!
    enjoy your indoor day!

  2. Awe. They are so sweet. Little Merlin curled up there melts my heart.

  3. Loved getting a peek at your kitties. Beautiful photo of Miss Tabitha. Fun kitty curtains, too. Hope the weather improves. Lazy or productive, have a great week

  4. KITTEHS!! (OMG - they're beautiful!)

  5. Your fur babies are so beautiful Kim! I love your curtains! So cute! Big Hugs!
