Tuesday, June 05, 2018

Moving on up!

Greetings everyone! Just a little update on Merlin. This morning we moved his cage upstairs into the living room from the laundry room. Tabitha has been VERY sweet to him .. Leo, not so much! I am praying that he gets used to Merlin in due time and accepts him; otherwise, we will have a BIG problem on our hands. Leo has growled and hissed at him a few times so far and I worry because he is by far THE most aggressive, territorial cat we have ever had. I suppose time will tell.

"Let me out, let me out! PLEEEAAASE!"

My sweetest Lady Tabitha has welcomed Merlin beautifully. I would expect nothing less of my gracious and classy little Norwegian Forest Cat, of course. LOVE HER SO MUCH!!

Upon returning from my morning walk, I was greeted by a lovely white bird in my driveway. It flew up on top of the neighbors roof. It looked like a dove? Anyone know what kind of bird it was by chance?


  1. Little Merlin looks so sweet in that cage. I love him. And Lady Tabitha. What can I say. She is gorgeous. Could that be a white pigeon? Do you have pigeons where you are? It's a beautiful bird for sure.

    1. Yes, we do get pigeons here, as well as seagulls believe it or not! Never thought about that ... thanks Mary!

  2. Dove or a pigeon.

    It was always my understanding that cats are territorial; which is why the only time I had more than one cat was because they were litter mates. Is Leo unhappy about Merlin because Merlin is a male and sees Merlin invading his territory? Or has Leo been equally unhappy when new females have invaded his space?

    1. Leo has never liked our females either. Strange thing is, he picks on my poor Tabitha I think because she runs away in fear rather than stand up to him so she acts like prey? He never EVER had a problem with my older male cat, Midnight ... in fact, they often slept next to each other! The one female we had (Kiki) would hiss at Leo when he tried to pick on her and she stared him down and he would walk away and leave her alone after that. He is hard to figure out really.

  3. We had white doves around here quite some time ago. They looked like pigeons,too.
    What a lovely mystical sign to have one land on your driveway and welcome you home.
    Tabitha will watch over Merlin until Leo accepts him as part of the family. Siblings always seem jealous when there is a new baby in the family 🐱

    Hugs and Love My Friend ❤💕❤

  4. Hopefully Leo will warm up to Merlin. Maybe Tabitha will be the go between. The bird is definitely a dove.

  5. I really hope Leo warms up to Merlin! He is so cute!! A dove?? Gorgeous bird! Big Hugs!
