Monday, June 04, 2018

Monday, Monday ...

Happy Monday! Well, time to get serious and get back to work on cleaning up the house while I am off. It is in the low 50's today and the temperatures are not supposed to get up past the low 70's so it is a good day to work inside.


  1. Our temps aren't going to get much above mid-50s and it's raining. I'm preparing my lesson for Wed. class and will clean my studio as i am waiting for the last 3 bookplate awards for the graduation on Saturday.

  2. Great idea to clean on cool days...I think I'll move to the desert :}
    Actually that is what I always did before I retired. Catch up on the real cleaning on vacation time. Why not! Hubby and I aren't travelers anyway!

  3. We are cool here today as well. I've been struggling with de-cluttering. Hubby and I are looking to move, and I have so much stuff. So a little bit at a time I do. Now that summer is here, though, I don't know how much will be done.

  4. Hope you had a good time cleaning up the house Kim!! Our temperatures were cool and now the heat is back on! Big Hugs!
