Saturday, June 30, 2018

Some like it hot, but not me ...

Well my dear friends, it is Saturday and they say it is the beginning of a long, hot and humid next few days here! This morning I woke up and took my usual daily walk at 8:30 am and it was 71 degrees out. By the time I got back it was 80! It is supposed to get up to 95 today and 98 tomorrow up into next week. UH! 

The worst I can remember it being; however, was a few years ago it got up to 107 degrees in the middle of July and we had huge power outage for three straight days. Imagine, no air conditioning, no relief for THREE days? I felt so bad for my poor fur babies! I had to keep taking a cold bath to cool off my body and my husband slept in the car at night because he said it was cooler than our house was. It was so bad that Met Ed had to recruit some fellas from New Hampshire to come help get everyone in my neighborhoods' power restored. I walked out to thank them personally!!! 

I tell ya, the only thing this weather is good for is staying inside the house and cleaning all day. And so, I shall. Does that mean that I like the cold, snowy winter temps any better? Nope, but my theory has always been that you can always put more clothing on, but you can only take so much off! LOL! 

I also finally got around to coloring my hair the other night. Now all I have to do is get it cut ...

I usually color my own hair rather than go to a hair salon because I have eczema and can not use any of the permanent hair products, ONLY the wash out brands like Nutrisse by Garnier. 

Well, stay cool everyone and have a great day!


  1. I'm with you there. I can't take this heat. We're up in the 90's right through Friday. Yikes!!! Hate to see my electric bill this month. Your hair looks beautiful. Brings out the color of your eyes.

  2. I like the heat. After the horrendous snowy March we had, this is heaven. You don't have to shovel hot and humid. Up here, it usually doesn't last more than a couple of days before a front or seabreeze comes through. This week might be an exception as they are talking 90 degree heat until Wed. If it got too hot, Ink would go hideout in the basement usually among the Christmas decorations under the stairs. Hopefully, the heat won't put a drain on the electric company.Stay cool.

  3. Hate the hot humid weather...makes it harder to breath. Almost like trying to breath in water. If this humid weather keeps up people will begin developing gills 🐠
    Love the color of your hair Kim! Is that your beautiful new blouse you have on? It looks lovely on you!
    Stay as cool as you can my friend. I love autumn 🍁🍂

    Big Hugs ❤❤❤

    1. I am definitely with YOU, Jan! Give me autumn any day of the week!

      Yup, that is my new blouse. Thank you, my dear friend. Wishing you all the best for a wonderful weekend!

  4. We are the same as you Kim!!! I am melting! LOL! I hope no power outages! Your hair looks great! I love the new top on you! You have such a beautiful smile! I agree with you about the clothes! LOL! Stay cool! Big Hugs!
